Thursday, 18 October 2018

The Tories, the party of financial probity

In a recent post I was warning about the destruction of local government and the catastrophe that is austerity, In Scotland, there has been resistance to austerity and the Scottish national and local governments have been indulging in imaginative initiatives to mitigate the worst effects of this government's cruelty. Remember, austerity is a political choice, there is nothing inevitable or absolutely necessary about it. England is largely Conservative and a prime example of how you get what you vote for can be graphically seen in Northamptonshire.

Northamptonshire County Council is officially the most incompetent council in the UK, if not the world. I had written the most incompetent in the civilized world, but deleted it for obvious reasons, because it is no longer correct to describe modern Britain as civilized. Northamptonshire has a catastrophic financial crisis and today it has announced that it will cut its financial help to the blind and the deaf, thus declassifying Northamptonshire as a civilized place and the personnel who took that decision as civilised people. I trust the reader will accept that as self-evident because I am quite certain that the councillors will still roll up to claim their expenses and their perks whilst the blind and the deaf can get by however they can. In February Northamptonshire Council announced that it was bankrupt and government inspectors concluded that the council’s problems were so deep rooted that it should be abolished as it was impossible to rescue it and any attempts to do so would amount to a reward for failure. Northamptonshire has seven parliamentary constituencies returning seven Tory MP’s. The County Council has 57 councillors, 43 of whom are Tories. In the EU referendum, all seven parliamentary constituencies voted to Leave the EU and Northampton voted 59% to Leave. You can only conclude that the electorate in Northamptonshire must be the dumbest voters in the world. Their councillors must certainly be amongst the most callous, which is simply stating the obvious because they are Tories.

Under their beloved Tory government, English councils have suffered sixteen billion pounds of cuts since 2010, proving, as I continually tell you, that you get what you vote for. That same Tory government all those good people in Northamptonshire voted for have ordered the council to save 74 million pounds out of a 441 million pound budget. The council has announced the closure of 21 out of 36 libraries in the county. Today the Swiss bank, Credit Suisse released a report telling us that 0.8% of the world's adult population own 44.8% of the world's wealth. The same report tells us that 5,000 people in the UK have fortunes in excess of $50 million (38 million pounds, I am afraid my pound sign has disappeared off my computer). These are the people that the government steadfastly refuses to compel paying their taxes. I assume none of these people are blind or deaf.

For those of you who probably feel that I am obsessed with the Tory Party, let me remind you that these are empirical facts and I am simply reporting them. In addition, there can be no excuse for an electorate who continually support demonstrable gangsters and staggering incompetents. I mean they are not even good gangsters, at least the Mafia makes a profit. This is the result of blind allegiance to a bankrupt political and economic ideology. This is Tory rule under free market conditions that have become demonstrably grotesque and is most certainly the fate of England and Wales if they succeed in exiting the EU under the present proposals. I say England and Wales because I cannot envisage the Scots tolerating such a scenario. It will almost certainly result in Irish unification  as well. I watch the fate of Northamptonshire with interest, and although this may appear quite callous, I have not a shred of sympathy for them, they not only voted for it, but continue to vote for it. Indeed such a fate awaits many more English and Welsh areas before they will learn the price of their self-imposed folly. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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