Throughout the world we are seeing outpourings of hatred in different nations that is being manifest by the rise of political parties and individuals capitalising on and encouraging that hatred. Previously civilised societies like Britain and the USA are becoming ever more divisive and characterised by hatred and the demonisation of others and this is exploited by unscrupulous and dangerous demagogues like the Know Nothing Moron, The Spider, Rees-Mogg, and their loathsome ilk. Such vile characters are making the world a truly dangerous place. If you consider the nations that are becoming degenerate under such disturbing events you will notice that they are all those that have experienced the strongest commitment to free market economics. The free market divides and poisons, that is its nature. It requires division and scapegoats to divert attention away from its consequences. Its adherents and greatest advocates are people of a psychopathic nature, devoid of compassion, self-respect, dignity or any form of social responsibility and driven by a towering sense of entitlement and superiority.
In the White House Moron we have a creature whose language and personal behaviour does not even reach the level of the gutter. This creature is a role model who's entire agenda is to appeal to the lowest common denominator and as a role model he is increasingly being copied by the scum who are whipping up hatred and division in the UK and elsewhere throughout the world as he shamelessly mocks and derides anyone he deems an opponent. This is, whether people like it or not, the essence of fascism. Mocking people's looks, their disabilities, their racial and ethnic backgrounds is the essence of a truly vile and seriously disturbed person. When it comes from the highest office in a nation, and is applauded and supported by a significant portion of the populace, not least by one of the major political parties in that nation, then that nation is in serious trouble and suffering from a collective psychopathy. All the ingredients are there for significant social unrest. The United States has a history of lynchings and the persecution of minorities that appears to be ready to raise its head again. Such an environment is the consequence of the language and behaviour of its head of state.
In the UK division has become acute. Again this is a combination of free market dominance and the consequent public policies that flow from it, and the behaviour and language of the ruling elite. The Westminster pigsty has just been condemned for serious bullying and harassment in an official report by a leading QC by an elite who believe that they should be allowed to get away with whatever behaviour they wish and never be held to account. This is the same elite who were found to be robbing the public purse through fraudulent claims for expenses. In this case the worst behaviour has again been identified at the top, whilst again such behaviour is being covered up and protected by a vile elite system of privilege and entitlement.
The greatest divisions are of course the result of Brexit, a situation that has occurred as a result of the catastrophic failure of free market inspired public policies and by the lies and the demonization of others of an unscrupulous set of abominable personnel who lie with an ease that astonishes and whose behaviour is indefensible. I no longer trust anyone who wears a suit and speaks with an upper class English accent. The Spider for example, a product of Eton and Oxford who studied the classics, is a prime example how anyone can graduate from Oxbridge without learning anything as long as they have the right background. If you study the classics you will learn loyalty, decency, dignity and self-respect. You will learn the duties and responsibilities of citizenship and civic pride. You will learn the demands and expectations of leadership and political responsibility. The Moron will have not a clue about any of such education, indeed the Americans elected a head of state who openly boasts that he never reads books. I have it on good authority that the Know Nothing believes that Plato is a horse running in the Kentucky Derby, but the Spider has no excuse. He has no shame, but as I have told you before, neither he nor any of his contemporaries display any evidence of having been educated as opposed to being schooled. The cleansing and healing of our respective societies requires fundamental change starting at the top, and that includes the top of our education system as well, to cleanse it of the elite poison that characterises our dominant ideology. The end product of Brexit will almost certainly mean the end of the United Kingdom. As I keep telling you, the Scots and Irish are far too intelligent and civilised to put up with this much longer. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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