Monday 7 November 2016

The Kommirat Thesaurus

I appear to have been read by some people who have never read this blog before and for that I am very grateful and I welcome you. However, it also appears that I am confusing some of them with my language. People who read this blog regularly will be aware that my reference to 'the pigsty' is a reference to the Westminster Parliament that is staffed by a set of political charlatans and scoundrels who are only in politics to get their noses in the trough as deep as they can before they are found out for their incompetence and sacked by their constituents. Unfortunately, the British electorate seem to be quite happy to be ruled by gangsters who are enriching themselves at their expense.

I am a Scot, and the other reference that confuses people is 'a midden.' I explained before in another post, that a midden is a Scottish word describing a communal garbage disposal area. Thus midden is used to describe a mess, a shambles, a collection of refuse. In my opinion Britain has become a midden and Westminster is self-evidently a midden as it is the best example of a collection of human detritus imaginable. The inhabitants of the pigsty are bereft of decency, morality, ethical behaviour, and above all, intelligence. They display neither dignity nor self-respect. On national television a Cabinet Minister, the appalling Sajid Javid, whom I warned you to keep an eye on as he is one of the worst examples of the pigsty mentality, announced that the decision of the judiciary to maintain the principal of parliamentary sovereignty over an overweening executive was unacceptable. This is from a creature who voted to refuse entry to 3,000 refugee children, from a member of a government who have been rightly accused of practising conscious cruelty in their public policies. The honourable Sajid Javid is himself a member of a family of refugees, of immigrants. But of course he is a Tory, so that's different.

Under Westminster's care, the British have descended into a place where it is OK to demonise the judiciary for simply doing their job and raising the spectre of homophobia by telling the world that one of the judges who made the decision that so enraged them was gay. What on earth that has to do with anything remains a mystery, but for the British right-wing press it seems important. UKIP has been encouraged to flaunt its fascist tendencies and demand that the judiciary are taken under political control as a matter of urgency. Their leader, Nigel Garbage, has called for demonstrations outside the Supreme Court in order to intimidate the judges who will hear the government's appeal, and is encouraging civil unrest if their decision does not please UKIP. It took this government three days, under pressure from all areas of the nation, including some of their own people, to speak out in support of the judges. They of course do not mean one word of their weasel words and that must raise serious alarm to their intentions to uphold the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law once we have left the EU and its protection of our rights.

As evidence of this, only today, the British government flatly refused to protect working people's basic rights once we have left the EU. I have been warning for years that this is one of their primary goals, the enslavement of working people and reducing them to poverty. Perhaps people will now start taking notice. However, my sympathies principally lie with the Scottish working class, because the workers in England and Wales were at the forefront of the Brexit campaign and so I respect their decision to vote for their own future state of slavery. If that is what they want, who am I to argue? It must not happen in Scotland however.

Under Westminster's care the British tabloid press have ceased reporting the news and exist solely to propagate outrageous lies, propaganda, and above all hate. Like their friends in the pigsty they wallow in filth. Even some of the Broadsheet papers like the Daily Telegraph (described as the Conservative Party house journal) joined the chorus of hatred for the judiciary, but the tabloid press sustain a relentless campaign of hatred and denigration for anyone who seeks any kind of moderation and compromise. Their hatred for all things Scottish is visceral as anyone who ever reads them will find. I am sorry if this post has resembled a rant, but we are indeed heading into dark waters and, paradoxically, I am motivated by one of Toryism's foremost philosophers, Edmund Burke. I disagree with Burke on most things, and advise you all to read Thomas Paine who simply fillets him and dismantles his philosophy. But on one thing he warned us of, we can all agree, when he warned us that 'all it requires for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.' Evil is indeed prospering in this sorry nation. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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