Tuesday 8 November 2016

Someone in the UN has been reading Doktor Kommirat

I think someone in the United Nations has been reading Doktor Kommirat. A UN Report, published in Geneva yesterday afternoon has concluded that the pigsty's austerity measures amount to what it called 'systematic violations' of the rights of people with disabilities. Importantly, in support of Ken Loach's accusation of conscious cruelty, the Report also says that the government knew that their policies would be harmful and damaging to the most disadvantaged. This is a quite devastating indictment of the British government, who, without a scintilla of shame, have responded by saying that “While the government continues to improve and build on the support available to disabled people, it stands by and is proud of its record.” This from a government that the UN has just accused of deliberately and systematically dismantling those supports, an accusation Kommirat has been making for years. The pigsty accused the UN of providing a quite inaccurate picture of life for disabled people in the UK, despite the fact that the UN's evidence comes from those same disabled people as the Report was the result of an eleven day inquiry tour by two UN envoys who met over 200 people, officials, MPs and academics. They are indeed despicable. The UN accuses the Tories on the grounds that their measures 'have disproportionately and adversely affected disabled people'. Importantly, the UN argues that this involves disabled people's human rights, and accused the pigsty of creating a climate where they were portrayed as 'lazy and putting a burden on taxpayers'. In addition disabled people live in a society where they experience 'increasing hostility, aggressive behaviour and sometimes attacks to their personal integrity', and concludes that 'There is reliable evidence that the threshold of grave or systematic violations of the rights of persons with disabilities has been met.' I await the response of the Mail and the Express with interest who have been in the forefront of the demonization of the disabled reported by the UN. As a result of tabloid journalism and the pronouncements of Tory MP's the disabled in Britain are routinely the victims of hate crime.

Of all the disabilities that we see around us, a mental illness must be amongst our greatest curses. It would therefore be fitting that society takes greater care of the mentally ill than most other sections of society, as these are people who quite literally are incapable of looking after themselves. Not according to the British government however. It is perhaps the greatest indictment that can be levelled against the pigsty that their treatment of the mentally ill is a national shame and humiliation, and that. rather than doing everything in our power to alleviate these poor souls, the British spend their time looking for as many ways as possible to cut as much of the resources available to them as they can. Don't take Kommirat's word for it, I have the support of the United Nations. This is modern free market political economy, which I continually remind you, considers anything, including the disabled, who appear to have no economic benefit, to be valueless and worthless, they are considered, as the Nazis called them, 'useless eaters'. Let us consider the thoughts of Adam Smith, who is supposedly the theoretical inspiration behind the free market. He wrote

"Of all the calamities to which the condition of mortality exposes mankind, the loss of reason appears, to those who have the least spark of humanity, by far the most dreadful, and they behold that last stage of human wretchedness with deeper commiseration than any other".

Am I being unkind if I interpret Smith to argue that the denizens of the pigsty, but particularly the modern Tory Party, do not possess the least spark of humanity? Who is higher on the Tory ladder of priorities, a disabled person, or a failed banker? I leave the reader to fill in all of the other Tory priorities that take precedent over the disabled and disadvantaged as to do so would turn this post into a book to challenge War and Peace. With what commiseration does the Westminster Parliament behold the disabled, answer, none. People look at me in silent disbelief when I tell them I no longer regard myself as British. Britain has become a shameful place characterised by hate, greed and contempt for the unfortunate and anyone they consider 'the other.' Adam Smith was not British, he was a Scot, a civilised man. He was most certainly not the author of the intellectual filth that poses as free market economics. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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