Thursday 24 November 2016

Impoverishing the middle classes is just not cricket

My apologies as I have been away and have not posted for a week. I am spoiled for choice about subject matter as the British press are today full of reports on the state of the economy. After six years in office, and after assuring us that they would have the British economy in surplus by 2016, the Tories are presiding over a £1.9 trillion national debt. This is actually a meaningless sum for ordinary people for whom £1 million is a lifetimes fortune. What it does highlight is the proof how your Kommirat has been warning you how spectacularly incompetent the Tories are. However, even I have underestimated them, this is Olympic gold medal incompetence. What it also highlights is how I have been warning you that the long-running saga of free market economics is now in its death throes. The papers are also reporting the growing disillusionment with Theresa May, our running joke of a Prime Minister. Remember, you read about her unsuitability for the job here first.

People occasionally take me to task for my assertions that the British ruling class are quite deliberately and systematically reducing the working people of this nation to a state of modern slavery. Such people mean well and feel that I am being unnecessarily dramatic and alarmist. In addition, most people feel that their country would not do that to its own people, they are, by different degrees, patriotic and don't want to think ill of their own nation, the 'it couldn't happen here' syndrome. The first thing I do with people is ask them to reflect on the gains that working people made following the Second World War and how, since Thatcher came to power, they have been systematically removed. I ask them to reflect on the gradual descent of Britain into an uncivilised society where working people and the disadvantaged have been systematically impoverished and deliberately made to feel that they deserve their fate and should know their place. I have written before how I consider one of the fundamental benchmarks of a civilised society is its housing conditions and how this country's housing situation is now in permanent crisis. However, the pigsty passed into law the Investigatory Powers Act last Thursday making Britain the nation labouring under the most comprehensive surveillance in the western world. This Act requires search engines to record every site visited on the internet by everyone living in Britain for government information. In other words, the British now, by an Act of Parliament, have no privacy whatsoever. In addition, Brexit is now estimated to cost every household in the country £1,250 per annum for the foreseeable future, whilst by 2021 real wages will be below where they were in 2008. That is what the British voted for last year. They voted for a pack of lying incompetents, their own impoverishment, levels of surveillance Goebbels would have been proud of and increasing poverty. But good luck to them, because after all this is all the fault of immigrants isn't it?.

Britain is a shockingly exclusive society, it is a class society. We had a short history of some thirty years after 1945 where efforts were made to be an inclusive society and care for all classes through a meaningful distribution of resources. This took the form of council housing, free further and higher education, a serious pension scheme for the elderly, welfare benefits for the disadvantaged, occupational pensions, steady and permanent employment, apprenticeships for the young, and protective employment legislation. On top of the heap was an inclusive and embracing health service. This was paid for by taxation, primarily direct taxation. But then Thatcher came in with her ideological hatred of the state and taxation. She conclusively won the battle of ideas and so people like me became oddities and an anachronism, and so, rather than raise taxes on income, we have run up a £1.9 trillion national debt. That's what ideology does to you.

In those thirty years of attempting a more just distribution of resources, Britain still had its monarchy, its upper classes, still had wealthy people and the sky did not fall, nor the world come to an end. But this redistribution of wealth and resources enraged the elite, particularly those people, championed by Thatcher, for whom enough is never enough. It also irritated the middle classes who resented uppity working people, and particularly their representatives in the trade unions, getting above themselves and demanding to be treated as human beings instead of cattle. As Thatcher declared war on workers, the poor and the disadvantaged, the middle classes cheered to the rafters, they are not cheering now. They have seen the elite turn on them once they had soaked the workers for most of what they had, well you get what you vote for. This post has been a bit general but Britain is in a crisis and I wish to give you something to think about that you may not get in the media. Brexit has been, and will continue to be, a disaster, the free market has always been a disaster but was able to appear a boon to many people for a long time before its inevitable repercussions came home to roost. At the end of the day however, the only people to blame are the British electorate, as a wise man once said, never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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