Thursday 14 April 2016

The EU referendum

To keep you up to date, the betting on Britain remaining in or leaving the EU at the coming referendum has still not altered since the betting opened. According to Ladbrokes, the betting still indicates that 71% of the public will vote to remain. That is of course very speculative as there is still 10 weeks to go, but the odds across the 12 largest betting organisations hardly vary with 8 out of the 12 offering 2/5 with the least generous odds against a remain vote at 3/8, which is still a comfortable lead, and the bookies are still the most accurate indicator you will get.

As I have indicated since this began, my motivation for voting to remain within the EU has nothing to do with the economy. Even if we leave, I cannot imagine that the grass would be growing up through the pavements, we may not be as economically stable as usual, but we will not descend into third world status. My arguments are still based on the fact that under the appalling personnel that would govern the country after a Brexit we will speedily lose all of our human rights and working people will be driven to a state of modern slavery even quicker than they already are. At the moment, it is only the EU and its institutions, and other institutions such as the Court of Human Rights that is protecting the British population against the barbarians in the Westminster pigsty. Added to that, should we leave the EU, Britain will rapidly descend into an authoritarian society even worse than it already is. It is therefore gratifying to see the leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, at long last speaking up on these very issues. It is ironic because it was under Mad Tony that the drive to remove our civil rights began in earnest, so, Labour has serious form on this issue. In addition, it was Labour that led the charge against our privacy and who were primarily responsible through their complete madness in economic matters, for the economic and financial crisis. Labour are dangerously authoritarian and it should never be forgotten that they were the people who passed over 4,500 new criminal offences during their time in office, more than one new criminal measure for every day they were in office. I do not call the Bliar Mad Tony for no reason. His governments displayed a genuine madness whilst in office.

As I have told you before, there is a large reservoir of latent fascism within Britain. It is evident in the dominant attitudes displayed towards, immigrants, the disabled, the unemployed and all those people labelled skivers and scroungers. As I write this, there is a growing alarm being discussed in the media at the level of anti-Semitism within the British Labour Party, and Corbyn has been forced to issue statements condemning it. The Nazis arguments about a worldwide Jewish conspiracy are again surfacing in an alarming way throughout British society. The equation of the policies of the Israeli state with Zionism only displays a complete ignorance about what Zionism is, but feeds into the general fascist worldview that is growing daily within this benighted nation. If it is not the Zionists, it is the Muslims. This is of course based on the view that there is only one narrative within worldwide Judaism and Islam, there are no shades of grey, all Jews are militant Zionists and all Muslims are Isis inspired Jihadis and potential suicide bombers. All this is being encouraged and exploited by unscrupulous politicians and journalists in both Britain and the US. I come back again to the scapegoat mentality. That is what is driving the Out campaign in Britain as these people are fixated with immigration as the ultimate evil and the cause of all our problems. As I write this I am listening to a report that the CEO of BP has just been awarded £14 million per annum as a salary. The average of CEO salaries in Britain now constitutes 180 times the average wage. Why this is not a matter of outrage I am mystified. On the same day, it is revealed that the government employs 300 personnel to investigate tax evasion and fraud, and in excess of 3000 personnel to investigate benefit fraud. That is the defining characteristic of this government's priorities. I ask you to contemplate what their priorities will be if we are governed by Boris the Spider, Nigel Farage, Michael Gove and the rest of this parcel of rogues and scoundrels. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

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