Thursday 28 April 2016

It is an insult to genuine vermin to liken them to a Tory

If any one thing has conclusively exposed the barbarity and complete lack of humanity of the British Conservative Party it was their rejection of a proposal to accept 3,000 parentless refugee children into the safety of the United Kingdom last night. This proposal was the result of an attempt by a Labour peer who himself arrived in Britain as a refugee from Czechoslovakia, fleeing the Nazis through the Kindertransport scheme. There are an estimated 95,000 child refugees floating around Europe with no parents and this proposal argued that the UK should immediately accept 3,000 of them to save them from the horror and dangers they are exposed to in this desperate situation. For those of you from outside the UK who may read this, Britain has 650 Parliamentary constituencies and so this proposal was arguing for less than 5 children per constituency, but that was far too much for the Tories to stomach. Within Scotland, once you travel north of Perth, you enter a large area of the United Kingdom whose population density numbers 9 per square mile. Therefore to increase that to 14 per square mile would obviously place an unacceptable burden on local services and pose a threat to the culture and survival of the Scottish nation. It is a similar perspective in the North of England and the Scottish Borders, with miles and miles of space and a low population density. However, I suppose we must thank our wise Westminster masters for saving us from the catastrophe of imposing such a strenuous increase in population on sacred land. In addition, how can we rationally accept a group of feral children who would almost certainly be (whisper it quietly and with fear and trepidation) Muslims. Thus to give sanctuary and safety to what would almost certainly be the next generation of suicide bombers and Islamic fanatics must be against the national British interest. On the other hand the explanation for the refusal to support this proposal may just perhaps be that the Tories are genuinely evil, callous, and so lacking in humanity that they have abandoned all vestiges of civilisation. Like their economic doctrine of free market neoliberalism, they are a lie, a sham and a fraud. I really thought that nothing the Tories could do could surprise me any more, but this is so disgusting that I find it difficult to digest.

England averages 413 people per square mile, but if you exclude London from that equation it drops to 353, Wales has 149, Northern Ireland 135 and Scotland 68. That is hardly the description of a nation that is full up as the Tories and UKIP are constantly telling us. Now, if we really want to get technical, the actual amount of the English nation that is actually built on is 2.27%, really, that is the figure. Over 97% of England is what is described as natural. That is the figure given by the Office of National Statistics in their UK Environmental Accounts. Now, these figures were for 2012, but they will hardly have altered by very much in four years. This is the figure for those parts of England that have been 'concreted over.' That means that are covered by buildings, roads, car parks, railways, paths etc. But according to the Tory anti-immigrants and the neo-Nazis in UKIP, we are full up, we cannot take any more. In addition, 80% of Britons live in an urban setting, in cities and towns of varying sizes, so we have the other 20% of Brits enjoying 97% of the landscape, free from care and from immigrants and Muslim children. Now, 93% of Britain is urban, but 53% of urban landscape is not built on and consists of parks, gardens, greenspaces etc. That is why the built on figure rises to just over 97%. However, that was for England, if you add in Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland the built on figure actually falls to just over 1% with just under 99% free from concrete.

If you take such figures into account it makes this decision by the Tories even more nauseating given that even if our urban areas appear to be crowded, there are approximately 650,000 houses lying empty in England alone according to the Empty Homes Agency. In 2015, the Tory government admitted to 610,123 empty homes in England, Scotland had 31,844, Wales 23,171, yet we have not the ability to take any more than 23,000 refugees over the next five years, but most importantly, the situation is so bad according to the Tories that we cannot accept 3,000 children in a critical situation. So much for civilised Christian Britain. I will stop here because the more I write on this matter the sicker I feel and the more deeply ashamed I am to be British. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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