Friday 22 April 2016

Incoherence, inconsistency and hypocrisy, a very accurate description of British politics.

I am acutely aware that I haven't posted for a week and I am truly grateful to those people who read this blog. I haven't posted because the dominant stories have been repetitive and boring, particularly the claims and counterclaims on the EU referendum campaign. I never post simply because I feel that I should, and I trust that those of you who read this blog appreciate that. I write about the things that interest me and that I feel are important, and I have no interest whatever in celebrities or what I perceive as trivia. I have people who I admire and who interest me, but I am not arrogant enough to think that you would necessarily agree with me. For example, I have a great interest in sport, and my greatest ever sporting 'hero' if I could use that word, is Eddy Merckx, whom I call superman. Thus, I am not totally obsessed with politics. Indeed the only person in Britain that I could honestly say I would like to meet is Paul O'Grady who I would call a great man, a label I apply very cautiously to anyone. If I could invite six people to lunch I would have Adam Smith, David Hume, Tom Paine, Eddy Merckx, Paul O'Grady and Karl Marx. That list is not exclusive because there are a great many other people I would love to meet and talk to, such as Golda Meir, Martin Luther King, Vasily Zaitsev, Rosa Parks, Sachin Tendulkar and Terry Pratchett. But enough of this trivia which I am sure does not interest you, I only mention it to try to show you that I am not one-dimensional, although I am sure that you may find it strange that many of the people that interest me are dead.
With respect to the other major stories just now, they are the same, with the US Presidential campaign following the same tedious lines as the EU in this country. I was considering a discussion of the concept of democracy to highlight how Britain has no claim to be a democratic society, but I am not sure if readers would welcome that, your input would be valuable on this if you could be bothered. Today was a bit different however, with Obama weighing in with his two cents worth of homespun wisdom which infuriated the Brexiteers as he gave his unequivocal support for Britain to remain within the EU and warning the Brexit campaign that if we do leave Europe we will be at the back of the queue of those wishing to negotiate trade relations with the USA. It was interesting to listen to Nigel the Nazi and Boris the Spider fulminating about Obama's opinions on the referendum and hearing them call him "incoherent, inconsistent and a hypocrite". This is from the very same people who cautioned the Scottish people to listen very closely to our "best friend and most trusted ally" President Obama, when he made a similar intervention in the Scottish referendum. Now what was that about inconsistency and hypocrisy?

For a wee change I went to William Hill instead of Ladbrokes today and the odds on Britain leaving the EU are 9/4 with remaining at 1/3. For England the odds are 7/4 to leave and 2/5 to remain, whilst Scotland stays the same with 8/1 to leave and 1/20 to remain. Wales is 12/5 to leave and 3/10 to remain. So, despite the constant leave campaign propaganda being continually trumpeted by the bulk of the atrocious British press and the BBC, the bookies are not impressed, and, despite the opinion polls, the remain campaign continue as clear favourites in all betting forecasts. As far as the BBC is concerned, their major political panel show, Question Time, is reaching the unwatchable state with quite overt and shameless Brexit dominance, both in the choice of panelists and audience. To top it all it is chaired by the appalling David Dimbleby who is so biased it is nauseating. I have a Yorkshire Terrier who I can confidently claim has a greater grasp of politics than the Dumbleby. If it was possible to be an even bigger loathsome Tory than Michael Gove or Boris the Spider, then the Dumbleby is it. For the moment, I look forward to my weekly diet of football tomorrow, my shameless weekly orgy of tribalism and ninety minutes of escapism. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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