Monday 22 June 2015

The Tories are actually claiming they have a right to starve and kill

There can be no doubt that the Westminster programme of austerity is hurting people. There can also be no doubt that the austerity programme is quite deliberately targeting the most vulnerable people in British society. There can be no doubt that the people suffering the results of austerity are the people least responsible for the financial crisis that Westminster claims is the reason for the need for such austerity measures. Under the austerity programme, all figures show that the disabled have been hit nineteen times harder than the average. Hate crimes against the disabled are soaring with disabled people being publicly abused as skivers and scroungers, they are being spat on, physically abused and demonised. All this is being ignored by Westminster, the press and the police, because the disabled are the most vulnerable and therefore are fair game for people's need to express their hatred for the disadvantaged and are of course a wonderful scapegoat for the Westminster gangsters. So I can only conclude that this is being imposed on the British people quite deliberately with a callousness that is difficult to comprehend. This is todays' Great Britain. What on earth kind of society have we become where we openly justify and make excuses for disabled poverty, child poverty, foodbanks and obscene inequality? In addition, our rulers and their useful idiots in the media constantly tell us that this is both necessary and for our own good. Is this the kind of  society we want to live in? It is the result of a quite deliberate campaign by the Tories and the press to deflect people's attention to the real crisis that affects this society, the poison of neoliberal free market economics.

Around half a million people have just demonstrated against austerity and already we have the scum oozing out of Westminster telling us that they have just won an election and therefore have a mandate for their policies. Well I have to tell them that regardless of the result of the election, no-one has any mandate, justification or right to quite deliberately hurt innocent people. No amount of votes gives you the right to starve people or deny them a decent lifestyle. Austerity is causing genuine hunger, it is causing people to die. People don't have enough to eat, enough to heat their homes. Austerity is causing real physical and mental damage and no amount of votes gives anyone the right to do that. If the government is claiming that they have both the permission of the British people and the authority to continue with this programme then we have reached a profound stage in our history and no longer have the right to be described as a civilised society.   

If people in England and Wales really do support this government's attacks on the poor and support the coming welfare cuts then those countries are no longer fit and proper societies, they are something else, they are a collection of barbarians who have lost all sense of decency and humanity. There is absolutely no reason nor excuse for a country as wealthy as Britain to go down this route, there are plenty of other alternatives. If you claim that the government has a right and a mandate to drive people into ever increasing poverty and hunger because they won 24 votes out of every possible hundred, or that the majority of people support them, then you are using the same excuse that Hitler used to persecute the Jews, it must be OK because the people support it. There will be consequences if Britain does not alter direction, one of them being that Scotland will definitely become independent. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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