Thursday 4 June 2015

Let the Barbarism begin

Less than one month after the general election the barbarism begins. Before the election the Tories told us they were going to immediately implement £13billion in cuts but today announced another £4.5billion on top of that. £1.5billion of the government’s proposed savings will be achieved by the sale of the last 30% of Royal Mail still held in public hands. Remember the £13billion cuts announced before the election are just for this year and 2016, there are £30billion in cuts waiting for the two years after that.

This is neoliberalism in full swing with the malice of the Tories being unleashed with no constraints on them. Never underestimate the hatred the Tories harbour for the public sector and their determination to utterly destroy it. Not one experiment in privatisation has been a success since Thatcher began the process in 1980, but that is of no consequence to the Tories to whom privatisation has been amazingly successful in providing fortunes for them and their mates. This is indeed a Westminster malaise as it was the incompetent Lib/Dem clown Vince Cable who completely cocked up the first tranche of Royal Mail privatisation, but undeterred the Tories are completing the destruction of one of Britain’s oldest public institutions for purely ideological reasons. This has nothing to do with value for money, efficiency, or any other spurious excuse, it is purely for exploitation and profit making by the Tories and the financial elite who control them. This has been the lesson of every other privatisation that we have witnessed so far. Remember, Royal Mail shares were sold for 330p and today are selling at 526p. The public were robbed blind and never raised a whimper, voting these licensed gangsters back into power four weeks ago.
In this Parliament I want you to watch closely the activities of the Business Secretary Sajid Javid. This is a dangerous man and an open and enthusiastic supporter and admirer of Ayn Rand and her Objectivist philosophy. Having said that, there is nothing philosophical about Rand and Objectivism; it is unadulterated psychopathy. A follower of Objectivism is quite simply a nutter! This belief system is as extreme and as dangerous as Nazism, because it is avowedly hostile to democracy and hates the public sector with a passion. It describes the poor and the disadvantaged as scum and parasites and argues that if you are poor and cannot feed yourself or your family that is tough, it is your own fault and you don't deserve any help and this philosophy is now deep in the heart of British government. Should anyone wish further guidance on Rand and her odious ideas I will be glad to assist.

If you live in England and read this blog then you must simply accept that this is what you voted for. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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