Sunday 25 November 2012

Westminster is beyond reform

I am sorry I have not posted anything for some time but I have been away and was busy. The public should take note of a report in this morning's Observer on how the government have been lying through their teeth to the medical profession and the public over their so-called consultations on the future of the health service. During this time they have been merrily proceeding with their chums in the private health sector to sell off our health service for profit.

Despite the financial crisis, the corruption of Westminster, the press and the police over recent years, this government is carrying on as if nothing has happened. The British really must pause and reflect how our governments and our police have been virtual employees of Rupert Murdoch. We are ruled by people of all parties who still subscribe to an ideology that is not only ruinous, but is demonstrably so. You don't need to know anything about politics or economics to understand modern Britain. The evidence of the failure of free market economic theory is all around you. Yet, our politicians still parrot the same old nonsense that there is no alternative.

What is happening is that our ruling elite are carrying on business as usual in order to loot as much of the national treasury as possible before the whole rotten edifice collapses all around us. They can then make their escape with all the money and leave the rest of us to get on as best we can. As I keep warning, the British are going to sleepwalk into ruin with their refusal to accept reality. The momentum that has gathered to leave the European Union will allow the elite to reduce us to virtual slavery with no human rights to protect us. That is the agenda behind this campaign. Having reduced workers to almost serf like status, with the removal of most of our employment protection, the focus is now on health and safety. This gang of robber barons is determined to remove the very health and safety we rely on to protect our very lives, and the British public sit and nod their heads in approval. I have to say that, in such matters nothing the Tories do should surprise us but the treachery of the Labour Party and its abandonment of working people takes some prizes for sheer affrontery.

Scotland must become independent as the corruption of Westminster has possibly passed the point of no return. The entire Westminster system and all of its members are beyond contempt, morally and intellectually corrupt. There are alternatives, but not within the Westminster universe in the forseeable future.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat. 

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