Friday 30 November 2012

So much for representative democracy

Surely there can be no-one left in this miserable class ridden society who questions whose interests governments govern for. 77% of the British public demand the implementation of the Leveson Report according to the polls. The majority of Parliamentary MPs want it implemented but the Prime Minister says no. Who on earth does this man represent? This is a political disgrace, but more importantly it is dangerous.

Governments are derivative. That means that they derive their existence from the people. The people elect them, pay their wages, pensions and all their expenses. The government's authority derives from the people and the people have the ability and the right to strip them of that authority. Government's are supposed to be representative of the nation. They are not supposed to be representative of vested interests. That the Prime Minister can be so dismissive of the Report of the inquiry he set up and promised people he would implement its recommendations as long as they weren't bonkers is nothing short of scandalous and removes any vestige of authority from this government to claim to speak for the nation. The Conservatives are becoming the equivalent of the Corleone Family.

The human being is a social being who interacts with other people naturally. They create societies as a result of their human nature and they regulate those societies. That is what governments are, regulatory agencies. Their purpose is to regulate society for the peace, security and stability of the population. They have no other purpose. They do not exist for their own right, indeed governments have no rights, only people have rights. As a result of this government, the press will simply carry on as usual and the Leveson Inquiry will end up the biggest waste of time imaginable. Democracy is for sale, it is a commodity as is everything in the neoliberal universe. Government in the UK is fast becoming a danger to the rest of society. Roll on Scottish Independence.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

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