Wednesday 28 November 2012

The NHS is almost f....d

Warnings that the Tories are determined to completely privatise the health service are being ignored by the British public because they find it difficult to believe that the Tories would do something so enormous after constantly assuring us that they will do no such thing. As Goebbels said, if your going to tell a lie then tell a big one and tell it often.

A report from the Kings Fund just released shows how 'unprecedented financial pressures' are speeding up the demolition of the service as we know it. They state that because of a combination of financial cuts and policy changes  "signs that the impact on patient care could be felt as early as 2013" and that "the stakes could hardly be higher" with some hospitals "experiencing serious challenges in delivering services of an acceptable quality" Analysing the government's reforms to the health service the report states that "major organisational changes and the loss of experienced managers leave the service in a precarious position" and argues that the core of the government's reforms, GP-led commissioning, will undermine the national system and concludes that  "it is no exaggeration to say that the NHS is heading into treacherous waters, and the risks are high."

What the Tories are doing is applying the Shock Doctrine to the Health Service. Naomi Klein shows graphically in her book Shock Doctrine how the neoliberal policy is aimed at creating crisis within states and organisations that will bring them to the edge of collapse and then using that state of collapse as an excuse to completely remodel them as neoliberal privatised industries. Despite all the promises of the health service being safe in their hands the Tories are bringing the health service to a state of collapse when they will then step in and tell everyone that the only way to save it is to hand it over to the private sector, the same sector that they all have interests in and have their family fortunes invested in. In other words, the financial crisis and the crisis in health care is being deliberately engineered by this government in order to destroy all public health provision and replace it with private.

Once this has been successfully accomplished education will follow and they will not rest until all public service provision has been abolished. The public do not believe this and so it has an inevitability about it as nothing is being done to prevent it. . All that can be done is for people like me me to keep warning an electorate who refuse to see the reality of life in modern Britain..

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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