I apologise for not posting for nearly a week, but I was off jaunting again, and unfortunately watching the team I support in England being relegated. One goal would have saved them, one goal but it was not to be. Still you don't get relegated in one game, that's the result of a poor season. Nonetheless I will be back next season in a lower division but hopeful that they will recover. That's life. Which leads me on to the topic I am discussing because that's where Britain is going, a lower division, a lower status and a lower standard of living, and the reasons are exactly the same as for a football team, a poor team, poor management and a crisis of morale. The difference however is that Britain will not recover and will need to accept the fact that they are destined to continue their existence as a non-league team. In addition, my team are under no illusions as to why they have been relegated whilst the British government and the bulk of its racist and xenophobic supporters actually believe they are winning. This is hubris on an Olympian scale.
You will all be familiar with what I am posting as I am sure you have all read the astonishment that overwhelmed the EU negotiators at their Downing Street dinner with Mayhem. I write this to reinforce what I have been telling you about May and her atrocious government in order that you are not deceived by the Downing Street lie machine. Things have to be bad when you get seasoned diplomats telling you that the British government are delusional, arrogant and living in a different galaxy, all reported in the European press. I warned you Mayhem was thick, a genuinely stupid woman. Its amazing how people see those who attended the British elite education system and are the products of the Oxbridge system and just assume that they are both intelligent and educated. Just look at Boris the Spider, a demonstrable halfwit. Class gets people like that where they are, it has absolutely nothing to do with ability. As I persistently warn you, Brexit is going to be a disaster, but now threatens to be an even bigger disaster than I anticipated given the Tory government's attitude and approach. It takes a particular skill that can only be learned in the British elite education system to systematically alienate so many people in such a short time. As the President of the EU told the British Prime Minister as he left: “I’m leaving Downing Street 10 times more sceptical than I was before.” This is the mark of genius, an arrogant stupidity that is the characteristic of the British ruling class and breathtaking in its sheer scale, and the negotiations on Brexit have not even begun. This was just a warm-up. What I have been telling you all this time is being graphically illustrated on the world's stage. The EU team have already concluded that the chances of Brexit talks failing were now “over 50%”. Another distinguishing feature of British elite arrogance is their demand that all negotiations must remain secret. A bewildered EU response was that the nations of the EU are democracies and therefore obliged to report to their respective parliaments on all developments. The so-called democratic British take exactly the opposite view, why on earth should the British elite consider themselves bound to be accountable to the rabble that is the British people? Do you wonder why the Scots are increasingly demanding independence from this ghastly crew? I was heartened by the report that the EU negotiators reminded Mayhem that the EU was a legal construction and not a golf club. Tories genuinely believe that rules are for the little people and that is how they govern.
It was reported that the EU team left Downing Street in a state of shock, lamenting the lack of knowledge or understanding in Downing Street about the Brexit policy of the EU27 governments. This is an administration that is tasked with conducting the most important negotiations in British post-war history and they haven't even bothered to do any homework. They are really as arrogant as that and contemptuous of all foreigners; they have their agenda and everyone else must recognise it and fall into line, because they are British and are born to dominate the world. I have always been a fan of both Gilbert and Sullivan and PG Wodehouse who made their careers out of lampooning the British upper class, and they did it as insiders who knew what they were talking about. I may start referring to the pigsty as Blandings, although that would be an insult to Wodehouse's memory because even The Empress is brighter than a Tory. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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