Friday, 19 May 2017

Why do the worst always rise to the top?

I haven't posted recently because I have been watching events closely here and in the USA. I may be a bit premature, but it would appear that The Donald's days are numbered. He is the modern right wing politician personified and gives us a graphic insight into what the rest of them are really like as he is quite mad and unconcerned by the furore he is causing until he is confronted with consequences that impact on his ego, which is of course the driving force of his whole being. Trump is a glorified version of Theresa May. Arrogant to the point of insufferability, completely indifferent to anyone else, their opinion, their plight, their suffering or their sensibilities. Both are pathological liars, indeed Trump has a claim to be the most breathtaking liar in political history as he is quite blatant about it. May, being a British elitist, bred in that particular form characterised by an elite English education, is much more cautious, whilst still being as outrageous a liar as Trump. But what they both have most in common is their stupidity. The British and Americans are, at this point in history, cursed with leaders who are both as thick as mince. The difference is that The Donald has not one ounce of common sense, whilst Mayhem has a dangerous cunning. I believe she is quite aware of her limitations and that this is the cause of the direction of the Tories election campaign.

The British election is being run by soundbite, by endlessly repeated slogans bereft of any policy, all extolling the virtues that May claims as her own. I told you earlier how the Conservative Party is being sidelined in the promotion of Mayhem as the great leader, solid, strong and capable. This is getting more obvious as the campaign progresses. She refuses to debate with other parties in public because she is fully aware that her intellect and general ignorance will be exposed in public debate and the one person May is terrified of meeting in public debate is Nicola Sturgeon under whose skilled interrogation her callousness and cruelty will become apparent. May is dangerously authoritarian and, in my opinion, much the most right-wing political leader we have had in my lifetime, even worse than the Blessed Margaret.

May is establishing a dominance in the Tory Party that she hopes will allow her to replicate that dominance over the whole nation. I think she's been reading the Kommirat as I had to smile when she announced that the Tories no longer believe in "untrammeled free markets" or the "cult of selfish individualism." If you believe that you will truly believe anything. This is the party that has unceasingly propagandised selfishness, greed and aggressive individualism for the past forty years. This is also an example of the Tories capacity for utter shamelessness and how they have not one iota of dignity or self-respect as they have been denying that they ever promoted such concepts for those same forty years. This is the party of Gove, Boris the Spider, Iain Duncan Eichmann and the rest of the most loathsome individuals imaginable. Remember, it was Mayhem herself who christened the Tories the nasty party and who is now the nastiest of the nasty. But like every other sociopath, she wants to be liked. That is another character trait she shares with the Donald. You can say what you like about psychopaths, but you will never accuse them of inconsistency. I remind you again how John Stuart Mill told us that whilst not all conservatives are stupid people, most stupid people are conservative.

I myself am suffering from a deep sense of shame because Scotland is witnessing a resurgence of support for the Tories. This is as a result of the continuing collapse of Labour, as the unionist vote, that is, those people who wish to preserve the United Kingdom and who oppose Scottish Independence are turning to the Tories as Labour is now seen as a wasted vote. I am losing faith in the innate intelligence of the Scottish electorate, because, as you will by now be familiar, I truly consider that no-one of any intelligence or decency votes Tory. Even more urgently, if you are following the Brexit saga, you will be aware that the outcome for Britain is becoming more and more perilous as the Europeans see through Mayhem and are becoming more and more resistant to her hectoring and bullying. They at least understand they are dealing with a stupid person who is determined to get her own way because she is English and therefore better than them. Britain is therefore facing a Brexit catastrophe. I still trust that the Scots will distance themselves from this looming disaster, but I am not as confident as I used to be. I will keep you posted, and keep reminding you that you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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