Thursday, 25 May 2017

Some of the reasons why the worst rise to the top!

Idealists and thinkers, make revolutions, hard and ruthless leaders consolidate them. In any venture, whether political or otherwise, once the revolutionary concept has been accepted the ruthless will drive it to a conclusion, and if the idealists seek to modify the direction chosen by the ruthless, challenge the conclusion, or criticise their decisions they will be persecuted, vilified and removed. That has been the characteristic of politics in the United Kingdom since the advent of the Blessed Margaret. If you are not 'one of us' then you are out. Britain at all levels is run by sociopaths and psychopaths, in politics, in business, and particularly in the media, where these inadequates find an outlet in the press and on radio.

The British Party system has become all-controlling with the leaderships exercising strict centralisation over selection of candidates and determination of policy right down through the party to local level. The Scottish Labour Party has just suspended all its councillors in Aberdeen for forming a coalition with the Tories to govern Aberdeen city after no party gained overall control. Now you all know what I think of Tories, but the politicians elected in Aberdeen were elected to make decisions for Aberdeen. I stay over 100 miles from Aberdeen so have no knowledge of the local conditions that prevail that led to Labour making the decision to form a coalition, and neither do the Labour leaders who live and work in Glasgow and Edinburgh. Local elections become meaningless in such a situation if those elected locally are forbidden to make decisions by a centralised bureaucracy.

Both Thatcher and Blair exercised a similar ruthless centralised personal control over their parties suppressing all opposition to their leadership and driving people out of the party whilst denying them any influence. A central characteristic of modern politics in Britain is that there are no opponents any more, there are only enemies. Both Thatcher and Blair only recognised enemies within their parties, and enemies have to be destroyed and removed. The concept of opposition is no longer deemed legitimate. As a result, both Labour and the Tories were intellectually cleansed, with any talent that existed being culled and suppressed. Thus when both Thatcher and Blair finally left office, there was no one of any talent and stature to replace them, all that was left were the groupies, the fawning snivelling sycophants, the grovellers, the intellectual inadequates. I honestly ask, what other modern and supposedly intelligent political system would consider David Cameron or Theresa May to be left to make the tea, never mind run the country? To give you an accurate assessment of the realistic state of British politics and British political leadership I simply have to say, Boris the Spider. That tells you all you want to know about the appalling predicament we are in.

In Scotland we have the spectacle of the Tories being led by the atrocious Ruth Davidson, Rape Clause Ruth as she will be known as in this blog. If you ever witness Rape Clause Ruth discussing the SNP, you will witness pure hatred. She is lauded by our press as having a form of political talent, but in reality she has no substance, she is a walking soundbite who simply mouths repetitive slogans, a real no-talent disaster. She is a good example of how the worst can rise to the top. Her alter-ego is of course Kezia, the Scottish Labour leader. She is different and is probably quite a nice person, but is hopelessly inadequate, a barely competent, parachuted into the leadership of a party that is devoid of talent, direction and any form of intellectual ability. These are the real legacies of Thatcher and Blair. The worst rise to the top because they are the worst, prepared to say anything, take any course of action, that will enhance their influence and power. They have no ethical centre, they are amoral, but most importantly they have no shame, no self-respect, those qualities that cause a person with a modicum of decency and dignity to pause and consider. In modern society, and this includes the USA, we have a fundamental problem, the paradox of tolerance. How much tolerance must we continue to show towards the intolerant? This is the same problem I discussed yesterday towards free speech, how much free speech must we continue to support towards the enemies of free speech? We must finally move against the worst, stand up to them and tell them - no more. Our freedom is going to depend on it. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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