Sunday, 7 May 2017

Britain's most cherished value? Hate thy neighbour!

I am still of the conviction that social class is the defining characteristic of western society, but particularly Britain. However, what the ruling elites have cleverly manipulated is how our class divisions have been deflected onto issues of identity. As you all know, the elite are very clever at providing us with scapegoats, the mythological demons who are going to destroy our societies by stealth, Muslims, immigrants, and 'others' poisoning us with their cultural differences and eroding our so-called values and our way of life. It matters not to citizens of the UK and the US etc. that most of the problems we are seeing are the result of what we have done to the dreaded others in the first instance. We are the global elite, the British and Americans etc. we are white, superior, and our values, customs and norms are self-evidently superior to theirs and so we have a right to colonise, both physically, culturally and ethically. We are doing them a favour and raising them up to see a future in our own image. It is right for us to adopt and integrate their diet, their rice, spices, fruit and oils, and all the other dietary and culinary delights that 'third-world' states can provide us with. It is quite something else to accept their people, particularly those who stubbornly and stupidly hold to their own norms and values.

It is not the foreigner, the other, who is threatening us, it is our own people. The right have been very successfully utilising their wealth and their manipulative techniques to install a dominance that threatens the stability and  well-being of our people. I have been warning you from the start of this blog that for the past hundred years we have been falsely brainwashed that the threats of a totalitarian system come from the state when in reality they are emanating from the market, the system that we have been persistently assured will safeguard our freedom. Again I warn you, free marketeers demand total freedom and will not accept any constraints on their activities. All social and political constraints must be imposed on those who seek to constrain free market exploitation and the ability to loot the national treasury. Bankers and financiers freedoms must be total and trade union and worker's constraints must be rigidly imposed. As a result, the free marketeers within government must impose increasingly tight constraints and austerity on the rest of society in order that they satisfy the insatiable demands of their masters and financial backers. Simples! Why do you think they seek to dismantle the health care systems in both Britain and the USA? Because it requires a diversion of money from the top to the bottom and that is a cardinal sin in the neoliberal right wing universe. Do they really want people to die of hunger and illness when the means are at their disposal to prevent it? of course they do if it means that they have to forgo one penny of their billions. The tragedy is that no-one in our respective nations will accept what is demonstrably obvious. They prefer to believe the lie of the other, of the immigrant, of the mythical social security scrounger. Why? I showed you a couple of posts ago, Adam Smith told you why. What people refuse to accept is that Smith and Marx can agree on many things, the rapacity and greed of the elite is one of them, and the
fawning subservience of the mass of the people is another.

All statistics demonstrate that in the UK since the Brexit vote, the top one percent have increased their fortunes by 14% whilst the rest of us have witnessed our incomes fall. Last week the British people voted to reward the party responsible for their increasing poverty and the obscene inequality that they have created. They are literally turkeys voting for Christmas. In the same week the American Congress voted to condemn large sections of their own population to die of illness and disease if they cannot afford expensive health treatment because in a complete inversion of the principle of the Good Samaritan, they insisted that everyone should pass by on the other side and allow the injured to die without any assistance. Both the UK and the US insists that they are Christian nations, what a joke, or perhaps its not a joke, perhaps that is the real essence of Christianity. We certainly can no longer pretend to be civilised. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 


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