Tuesday, 2 May 2017

The Nazis were not alone in viewing other people as subhuman

I ask you to consider the following as testament to what I was writing yesterday and how EU negotiators were taken aback when they finally got to see the Tories in the cold light of day.
A stranger to human nature, who saw the indifference of men about the misery of their inferiors, and the regret and indignation which they feel for the misfortunes and sufferings of those above them, would be apt to imagine, that pain must be more agonising, and the convulsions of death more terrible to persons of higher rank, than to those of meaner stations.....Upon this disposition of mankind, to go along with all the passions of the rich and powerful, is founded the distinctions of ranks, and the order of society….Even when the order of society seems to require that we should oppose them, we can hardly bring ourselves to do it. That kings are the servant of the people, to be obeyed, resisted, opposed or punished, as the public conveniency may require, is the doctrine of reason and philosophy; but it is not the doctrine of Nature......the great never look upon their inferiors as their fellow-creatures........This disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition, though necessary both to establish and to maintain the distinction of ranks and the order of society, is, at the same time, the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments. That wealth and greatness are often regarded with the respect and admiration which are due only to wisdom and virtue; and that the contempt, of which vice and folly are the only proper objects, is often most unjustly bestowed upon poverty and weakness, has been the complaint of moralists in all ages......We frequently see the respectful attentions of the world more strongly directed towards the rich and great, than towards the wise and virtuous. We see frequently the vices and follies of the powerful much less despised than the poverty and weakness of the innocent.

I apologise for such a lengthy quote but those are the words of Adam Smith, the person usually reviled by so-called progressives as a bourgeois apologist. I repeat his words because he perfectly sums up the grovelling attitude of the British towards the elite whom they spuriously believe are better than them despite all the evidence to the contrary, that the British elite are quite despicable and normally quite stupid people. What distinguishes them is that they are born and bred with a sense of entitlement that is reinforced by the fawning subservience of the general public, an approach that Smith tells us is the general cause of our moral and collective corruption as a people. As I have said before, such attitudes spring from being brainwashed from birth about our Royal Family and all of their aristocratic mates. To be fair though, such attitudes are not confined to the British, we are just worse than other people. The Americans elected the Donald on the strength of his wealth and his apparent success in business. Therefore, they conclude that he must know what he is doing. But it doesn't end there, they also make the leap to granting him intelligence, which is why people have difficulty when I tell you how thick Mayhem is. I remind you of the response I got recently - "But she's the Prime Minister of Great Britain" an incredulous gentleman told me. The implication is that she is therefore by definition, intelligent and knows what she is doing. People are genuinely as shallow and as gullible as that.

If you doubt Smith's observations, just recall the pigsty's attitudes towards refugees and the plight of the people in this country who have to use foodbanks, or the disabled etc. They are devoid of any form of compassion because as Smith tells us they never look on their inferiors as fellow-creatures, we at the bottom of the pile are something else, not quite human, untermenschen as a jolly group of our superiors once labelled us. Mayhem was interviewed on TV and was at a loss to explain why so many of the nursing staff in the NHS use foodbanks, she tried to assert that there were 'many complex reasons' why that might be the case, avoiding of course the obvious, that they are so badly paid. You see to the geniuses in the pigsty, nurses are little people who don't matter. The chairman of HSBC, who have been shown to be a criminal organisation, deserves his recent £8 million salary because he is important. A nurse is not important. Can you imagine being paid £8 million every year? As I've spoken of here before, Adam Smith told us how Oxford University was a complete waste of time and David Hume asked Cambridge for his money back after only six months. As is graphically demonstrated by the British elite, nothing has changed in the intervening 300 years. I am quite sure that you can obtain an Oxbridge degree with a Tesco loyalty card.

 I am therefore getting more animated by the looming disaster of Brexit. I feel sure that the pigsty bullies will meet their match and it will all end in tears. I can't wait! You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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