Friday, 12 May 2017

The right are deliberately destroying humanity

I had the privilege of watching an interview on television yesterday with the American philosopher Noam Chomsky during which he told us that the American Republican Party is the most dangerous organisation in human history. In a previous interview he also said that the Republicans are “overwhelmingly” committed to destroying human life on earth. This is a bold statement but on reflection you have to agree with it. No-one with a shred of intelligence can seriously deny the fact of climate change and so you can only conclude that these people are deliberately hastening the end of humanity for the sole purpose of enriching themselves while they can. They are not alone, because all free market right-wingers are of the same mindset, we are cursed with them in this country as well. What is significant about such people is that they have gone far beyond the bounds of selfishness and exhibit a human characteristic that we do not have an adequate description of. They fail to display one iota of concern for anyone else, including their own families, their children and grandchildren. When Aneurin Bevan described such people as lower than vermin he was not exaggerating, because you cannot attribute insanity to such people as what they are doing is quite deliberate, they know what they are doing and are acting with calculated deliberation. As the economist JK Galbraith told us "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

To give another example, all human experience, everyday observation, the daily facts of life, must bring anyone exercising even the minutest scintilla of rationality to instantly understand the utter stupidity of Thatcher's claim that there is no such thing as society, and yet the British people, not only enthusiastically supported her, but continue to support the people who inherited her legacy and continue to peddle such utter drivel. The majority of American voters support such people and the same is true in the UK. Many years ago I wrote an extended essay on Thatcher's claim that there is no such thing as society but have never made it public. If anyone would like a copy I would be happy to provide one, indeed I may revisit it and update it.

Further to what Chomsky told us, I have been watching a lot of US news TV this week following the Comey scandal. What I do not understand is why prominent US commentators do not just come out and admit that their President is insane. American government is becoming a global joke and a figure of ridicule. What is just as bad as the antics of the White House are the antics of the Republican Party to try and defend the indefensible. So, even if the Republicans were not a threat to human life, they are most definitely a serious threat to democracy and the integrity of the political system. I trust I am not interpreted as being unfairly critical of America because if you read this blog you will be aware that I find the negative elements within the American system as nothing beside the damage inflicted daily by the pigsty on its own people and the British system. If Britain had a fraction of the investigative journalism I admire in the Americans, instead of the grovelling subservience of the British media we would be a much healthier politics. What is worrying is that it is reported that Trump demanded that Comey pledge his loyalty. Even I know that the head of the FBI is supposed to be loyal to the Constitution, not the President. In this mess of a nation, we have the Prime Minister asking the electorate to vote, not for the Conservative Party, but for her. In both nations we have the emergence of what a nation in the not too distant past, called the Fuhrerprinzip. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat    

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