Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Free Speech? Enough is Enough

I have written before about freedom, which, like everything else in human society must not be regarded as an absolute. In a free democratic society we believe in freedom of speech and often quote Evelyn Beatrice Hall's famous dictum ‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,’ but as with all human behaviour this must be subject to qualification. The right in Britain, under the guise of free speech and led by the obscenity that calls itself the Daily Mail, has systematically utilised their freedom to demonise and castigate whole sections of our population to the point that they are now suffering open persecution, discrimination and physical violence. As I have reported before, there was a rise in racially motivated crimes in this country of 41% following the EU Referendum, principally due to the language of the Mail, Express, the Sun and scum like Farage, Kelvin McKenzie, the aforesaid Hopkins and the leading Brexiteers in the Tory Party. The Kommirat says enough is enough.

We had the situation in the UK today in the wake of the bombing of the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester where the right wing commentator Katie Hopkins tweeted that the time had come for a Final Solution to the perceived problems of the UK's Muslim population. The Daily Telegraph's political commentator Allison Pearson also tweeted that the UK must institute a State of Emergency like the French claiming that we need the internment of thousands of terror suspects now to protect our children. Hopkins is a particularly loathsome individual who was investigated by the police for writing that the refugees from the Middle Eastern crisis were cockroaches and should be met with gunboats as opposed to lifeboats. Last month the Sun newspaper finally sacked Kelvin McKenzie for likening a mixed race Everton football player to a gorilla. This is the man who said on television that
“I think the fake news headline that would give this country the most joy would be: Jeremy Corbyn knifed to death by an asylum seeker,” and the man who was responsible for the lies and smears aimed at Liverpool football club and its supporters following the Hillsborough disaster. As a result of this man's actions it took 27 years before the truth about Hillsborough was finally established.

What is important here is that this is corporate abuse of freedom and it is being encouraged by a government who refuses to condemn it or seek to regulate it. These are individuals, yes, tweeting in their own time, yes, but they are utilising their corporate positions in society to spread their poison throughout the nation and beyond in order to mould public opinion and unleash consequences on people they hate. Hopkins is here openly advocating an ethnic cleansing policy for Muslims in the UK, Pearson is calling for concentration camps, and McKenzie is attempting to provoke a physical attack on the leader of the Labour Party barely a year after a Labour MP was shot to death by a right-wing white fanatic, and this is all being underwritten by national corporations who approve of what these people are writing, because they are both printing what these creatures write and paying them handsome salaries. I mean this is Britain, it is unthinkable, but is not only being thought but publicised. It matters not that these people are tweeting this filth, they get away with it because they know they will be protected. If I had said anything like that to my students when I was lecturing I would have been sacked on the spot, and rightly so. This is the language of the Third Reich, and I am not exaggerating. This was the language used by the Nazi Party and the Nazi press. I should not have to remind you that the Holocaust was the outcome of a policy paper produced at the Wansee Conference entitled The Final Solution to the Jewish Problem and that the Nazi press frequently referred to Jews as cockroaches. I have been writing since the start of this blog that Britain is descending into a right-wing authoritarian society and that such language is not an accident. It is quite deliberate, designed to influence public opinion, and written and published by the supporters of the Tory government. It is ironic that my last post was entitled why do the worst always come to the top? I never really actually said why, perhaps I should because in Britain, at all levels of society, in politics, in business, in finance, in the press and mass media, the worst are at the top and systematically destroying my country as a civilised society. Enough is enough, all that requires for evil to prosper is for good men to say nothing. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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