Tuesday, 30 May 2017

This election may not be as cut and dried as you think

There is something happening in the UK and I am no longer sure of the outcome  of the forthcoming election. When I first commented on Theresa May I met with disbelief and mild ridicule for telling people that she was thick and a quite stupid woman. If you read this blog you will be aware that this has been my position from the first. People are now reporting the same thing. For those of you outwith the UK, in a series of programmes involving Mayhem and her senior ministers, the audience have been actually jeering and heckling them over their obviously absurd claims and outright lies. May is slowly becoming the subject of mockery, particularly with respect to her positions on health, care and the treatment of pensioners, and more and more people are becoming alarmed by her quite stupid attitudes to the EU and the Brexit negotiations which are steering ever closer to disaster. The government now resemble a half-witted blowhard in the playground threatening a group of twenty seven opponents that if they don't do what he/she demands he/she will batter them all at the same time and are being cheered on by all the racists and English nationalists who still think that Britain is important and could win such a battle. The biggest tragedy is that the Tories think this type of tactic will scare the EU into submission, they actually do believe the propaganda that the EU needs Britain more than we need them. I was amused by a cartoon in the Guardian that noted that if you attempt to establish a personality cult, you should at first establish a personality (someone has been reading the Kommirat) because it has become apparent to even the London centric media how shallow and demonstrably thick Mayhem really is. Her true character is being revealed quicker than I anticipated and even the Tory press are having difficulty hiding it. The Guardian led the way in referring to Mayhem as 'the Supreme Leader' a comment on her attempt to personalise the election, but also an open insult, and that is not a good position to be in if you are a Prime Minister seeking re-election in an election you had no need to call in the first place. I am not suggesting that the Tories are going to lose the election, because as you know, I have no particular faith in the quality of the English electorate, but I am beginning to suspect that the result will not be what was expected when the election was first called. I mean we are a year into Brexit now and the Tories have not even begun a negotiating position that must be completed within two years of invoking Article 50. In addition, we are still waiting for any form of Brexit goals or strategy from this car crash of a government.

It is now beyond doubt that the USA has a crisis of leadership and that The Donald is taken seriously by no-one. The same phenomenon is now surfacing in the UK. Bullying and hectoring may work for a time in our own respective nations, but they will not work with real leaders and statespersons of the character of Angela Merkel etc. Both Trump and Mayhem are increasingly being portrayed as upstarts, bullies and empty vessels with neither substance or gravity, and are being marginalised by the rest of the world. The problem with that is that our respective nations will suffer the same opprobrium, and in the case of the UK it will be merited as we now display an open contempt for other nations and cultures, such has been the triumph of the type of English nationalism ruthlessly driven by at first UKIP and the Tory Brexiteers, but now embraced by all Tories, the majority of the British press and the BBC, a nationalism that is quite different from the Scottish type as it is exclusive, openly racist and xenophobic. I must confess to thoroughly enjoying this political carnage. The Bible warns us not to rejoice when our enemies stumble, but it is hard. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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