Tuesday, 25 April 2017

The British, a people devoid of shame and compassion.

Dundee is Scotland's fourth largest city with a population in 2015 of 148,210. Scotland has an estimated nominal gross domestic product of £152 billion and in 2014 its per capita GDP was one of the highest in the EU. Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom, the seventh richest nation on earth.
Yesterday the Trussell Trust, Britain's largest aid charity, announced that they had distributed food parcels from its foodbanks in Scotland in the last calendar year equivalent to feeding the entire population of Dundee for three days. At the UK level, the Trust handed out 1.2 million emergency three day food packages  and saw a 40% increase in people needing their services. Significantly almost half of those requiring to use foodbanks because of food poverty and hunger are in work.   That is the reality of life in Great Britain under the Tories. This is a collection of people who have no shame, no dignity, no self-respect, but most importantly they are devoid of any spectre of decency and they are the people that the majority of the British electorate are freely and willingly voting for.  The Westminster led British bourgeoisie must rank amongst the most rapacious, venal and immoral people in the world, so what does that tell you about the electorate?

What never seems to occur to the British people is that none of this is either inevitable or necessary. Inequality in this country is staggering, completely unacceptable, and has gone beyond the obscene. That foodbanks even exist is testimony to Westminster's complete denial of their democratic first principle, the health and well-being of all British citizens. If people are going hungry then that is an emergency, if they are continually hungry as a result of deliberate government policy then that is a crime. I will be surprised if this coming election does not result in one of the lowest turnouts on record as we will see the result of the old Biblical principle that where there is no vision the people perish.

Today in the Scottish Parliament there was a debate on the Tories policy of requiring any female who is claiming child benefit tax credits to prove that if they have more than two children they must prove that one of them is the result of a rape before they can qualify. This requires them to fill out an eight page form that will be a matter of public record and will publicise that a child has been conceived of rape. This is one of the most hideous policies imaginable and is a low that even I never thought the Tories could sink to. It was vigorously defended by the Scottish Tories and the grotesque Ruth Davidson who once again claimed that "it was the right thing to do." She refused to condemn it, and stoutly supported it knowing that it will not cost them one vote amongst the braindead who vote Tory without a shred of compassion or charity. As I continually warn you, Britain has become a dark place where rape receives no compassion or sympathy and people in work are consigned to supplementing their income with free food from charities whilst those with no income are left to starve unless a charity keeps them alive. I will stop here because I am becoming more and more angry as I write this and I will say something that will be offensive. The Tories will win the coming election comfortably and then Theresa May will be free to unleash the mayhem she is desperate to inflict on this sorry nation. If that is how this nation votes then they must be wanting the carnage that awaits them. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat     

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