Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Our leaders are leading us to disaster

I have been watching the direction of politics in what are commonly described as democratic societies and I am becoming more convinced that democracy is dying, and it is dying by popular consent. The reason for my pessimism is the obsession with what is described as leadership. I speak to people about politics and probe them about their concerns and attitudes and I am quite convinced that, on balance, most people do not begin to understand the fundamental elements of a democratic society. We have become obsessed with personality. This, I fear, is the result of a popular culture that focuses on complete nonentities and elevates them to a status position based on appearance and presentation regardless of substance, ability, or any evidence of intelligence.

I was brought up to regard people who were listeners. I listen to people and always look at them when I am speaking to them. This disturbs other people who are accustomed to speaking to other people who are constantly looking away when they are being spoken to. They have a difficulty focusing and have a very limited attention span. This is another aspect of modern culture as all studies in education tell us that students have neither the patience or the interest to read or to concentrate for any other than short bursts of time. Most importantly they do not listen. They need visual stimulus and communicate in what are called sound bites, short pieces of dialogue, and is why they are so attracted to modern phenomenon such a Twitter. This is of course the result of digital technology. As a result, people are attracted by celebrities who communicate in the same way, thus the popularity of people like Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and the rabble rouser type of political communicator, and it appears to matter nothing if such people are quite obviously lying through their teeth or actually telling them something that has no substance.

Democracy is about participation, not just voting. It is about accountability. but above all it is a collective venture and not about leaders. Leadership of course is important, but only to the extent that they reflect a collective will and are able to both act upon and deliver that collective will. Thus, a leader is a team member. What we see in the west are leaders to whom democracy is a nuisance, a constraint on their ability to get their own way and do whatever they want. This has been the pattern in Britain since Thatcher. Mad Tony took it to new heights as he even dispensed with his Cabinet for the important decisions, such as going to war, but Mayhem is going beyond the pale as she appears to believe that she is answerable to no one. She is on record as deciding to call an election whilst on a walking holiday, which is not itself controversial but she then implemented her plan without even discussing it with her closest colleagues.

As I continually warn you we will find ourselves in an authoritarian age if we are not vigilant. Leaders feel justified in dispensing with their elected colleagues and institutions that have been appointed to make sure that they cannot do what they are in fact doing. Thus our representative institutions are shamefully abrogating their responsibilities at the same time they should be exercising them to defend us from the forces that are destroying our democratic rights. If the Tories win this election with a substantial majority this nation will be in one sorry state as they are of the most authoritarian mentality I have witnessed in my lifetime.

I can't help feeling that this post has been a bit rambling and I'm not sure if I've accurately communicated what it is I want to, but I hope it is clear enough that you get my meaning. As Bob Dylan warned us, don't follow leaders and watch for parking meters. He's right, don't listen to what leaders tell you, watch what they do. Remember, by their fruits shall ye know them. Sound advice. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

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