Sunday, 16 April 2017

I'm not sure about Prime Minister, but Theresa Mayhem is definitely a prime something!

“This year, after a period of intense debate over the right future for our country, there is a sense that people are coming together and uniting behind the opportunities that lie ahead. For at heart, this country is one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future. And as we face the opportunities ahead – the opportunities that stem from our decision to leave the EU, and embrace the world – our shared interests, our shared ambitions and, above all, our shared values can and must bring us together.”

This is a message from someone who is either in deep despair and is indulging in the grossest form of wishful thinking, or completely delusional and divorced from reality. Where she gets her sense that people are coming together and uniting is a complete mystery and is definitely not from a realistic evaluation of contemporary Britain. This is a nation riven with division from top to bottom, and the biggest culprits causing such division are Theresa Mayhem and her vicious class ridden government. We are divided geographically, nationally, by class, by ethnicity and by inequality. Even people from other nations are fully aware of Britain's much publicised North-South divide, by the divisions caused by Brexit, by the increasing probability of Scottish Independence, by the divisions they have created in Ireland over the Brexit settlement etc. etc. The most pressing need for compassion lies with this government and its completely heartless public policy agenda. We now have an issue enshrined in law whereby child benefit is frozen for people with more than two children. If a woman has had a child as a result of rape, then that woman will have to appear in front of a panel and prove that she has been raped to qualify for a third child benefit. In addition, that child will now be officially stigmatised on record as being the product of rape. So much for compassionate Conservatism.

On the subject of division, the Sun newspaper is barred from all activities surrounding Liverpool football club as I have told you before. However, Liverpool has two major football clubs, the other being Everton, which is named after the district of Liverpool they play in. On Friday, Everton also barred the Sun from association from all its activities, and therefore the Sun as a corporation and any of its journalists, are barred from both football clubs, their grounds, interviews with players and officials etc. and will probably no longer be able to sell a newspaper in the city at all. This is because the Sun ran a disgraceful racist article on one of Everton's players of Nigerian origin comparing him to a gorilla. In addition it made extremely derogatory remarks about the citizens of Liverpool as well. This is a typical example of the utter contempt the British elite display for working class people and those who live outside the immediate influence of London and the Home Counties. Liverpool voted to Remain in the referendum and so they must be punished.

The last thing in the world that the British people enjoy are shared interests, ambitions and values. We are a disunited fractious nation that is getting worse on a daily basis. I have no interests or values in common with the bulk of people in this ghastly nation who hate immigrants, Muslims, Jews and foreigners in general. I at least have a modicum of self-respect in the fact that I have never purchased a Sun newspaper in my life, nor have I ever voted Tory. I cannot think of one bourgeois value that I subscribe to, though I admit there are probably some I haven't thought of. I intended writing about Easter and so-called Christian values given that this is Easter Sunday, but I could not let Mayhem's utter hypocrisy pass without comment. In conclusion I trust you are following the progress of Brexit as it appears it is becoming an even bigger disaster for this nation than I hoped for. I am getting increasingly excited at the prospect, because, as I noted earlier, it is only a disaster that is going to bring the English to their senses. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

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