Thursday, 13 April 2017

You underestimate the enemy if you think they are ignorant

I was considering what I posted yesterday and concluded that it was a bit rambling. I think I was trying to say too much in too short a space. I was trying to make the point that people's dissatisfaction in their daily experience of an obvious deterioration in service, manners and general behaviour is the result of a dominant ideology that is dehumanising. If you cease to view people as customers and only see them as consumers then you lose the human dimension that is necessary for civilised interaction, resulting in the treatment United Airlines considered acceptable to a paying customer who was a victim of the airline's own incompetence. If you persistently promote a dominant ideology of aggressive and selfish individualism you will produce aggressive selfish individuals and those are the type of employees sought by aggressive selfish corporations.

However, my point is also that such behaviour is not the result of people who are unaware how uncivilised and anti-social they are. Such people know exactly what they are doing but are completely indifferent to others. They don't care what the effect of their behaviour is and will justify it because they will not admit they have done anything wrong, as the first reactions from United Airlines demonstrated. They will only alter their position when it affects them personally, when it meets with widespread ridicule or anger and impacts on them directly. The best example of that of course is President Trump a person who can quite glibly promote several contradictory positions during the course of the same day. Trump personifies the malaise that permeates our modern societies, the absence of shame, decency, dignity and self-respect that characterises the modern politician. I am not having a go at Americans here as you are well aware that I regard the scum that inhabits the pigsty as the worst offenders.

In the same spirit we have the situation where the most influential opinion and decision makers in both the US and the UK are ferocious climate change deniers. The scientific community in the US concluded that after meeting with the US House of Representatives Science Committee, Republican climate change deniers were 'woefully ignorant'. However, my point is that in describing the climate change deniers as woefully ignorant they are completely missing the point and falling into the well-worn trap of failing to recognise that such people are not in the least ignorant, they know exactly what they are doing. These people know what climate change is doing, they just don't care. If measures to combat climate change pose a threat to their immediate interests and the interests of those they serve (because you are really gullible if you think for one second that they serve the interests of the American people) they will do everything in their power to prevent such measures and will demonise and humiliate those who advocate them. Most people, like the scientists, are decent thoughtful people who cannot bring themselves to admit that other people will see the dangers posed by issues such as climate change and ignore them. They cannot believe that people will deliberately endanger the future of the planet and their own families for profit. That is their great mistake. I wrote
recently about how that is exactly what global corporations are doing in El Salvador, sacrificing a whole nation for profit. I have also written in the past how the ideology that inspires them justifies such behaviour and sanctions it.

In the UK we have senior Tories, such as the quite loathsome Nigel Lawson, a truly despicable creature, who will do and say anything to deny climate change and prevent meaningful efforts to combat it. Such people are the true disciples of the Blessed Margaret and her mantra that there is no alternative. All this is done for money, for personal enrichment. What irritates me most is how people like our scientists are always prepared to give such people the benefit of the doubt. They must be exposed for the inhuman insatiably greedy and selfish filth that they are, but most importantly, the anti-social fascist ideology that motivates them must be exposed and completely discredited. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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