I really must apologise for failing to post for the past nine days, but I have been decorating and my house has been in turmoil. Neither have I been really keeping up to date with events as I should have. What I have noticed is the debate that has erupted over the matter of customer service, particularly in the United States. If I have understood it properly the public in the US are generally really unhappy with what they claim is a large deterioration in customer service at all levels, from the service you get generally in shops, restaurants, transport services etc. This has been highlighted by the events surrounding United Airlines in the past few days.
I have not personally experienced this. As you know, I travel about the UK quite a lot and I find I am well-treated by most people most of the time. I am well aware however, how the general public are treated by public servants and by the police and how such attitudes are a reflection of the dominant ideology and the dominant class. The dominant ideology is of course a class ideology in the UK and in the US it appears to be a mixture of class and race. You will all be familiar with my admiration for Adam Smith as you will also be familiar with my opinion that I know an Adam Smith that I claim is an entirely different Adam Smith from the one we are all taught about and whom the free market economistic halfwits freely and completely ignorantly quote as their authority. The dominant Adam Smith as taught in our highest and most august seats of learning on both sides of the Atlantic is a myth, a fictional character who never existed. My Adam Smith was a real person, a gentle, humble genius who tells us that "the great never look upon their inferiors as their fellow-creatures", and in our free market individualist society there we have the answer to why there is great dissatisfaction with service and basic manners. As Solomon tells us in the Bible, there is nothing new under the sun, or words to that effect, and in that sentence Smith explains the anger of the public that seems to be simmering within our populations all of the time at the attitudes of the great and the good, and their quite open contempt for the rest of us that they no longer bother to hide.
Again I remind you, such attitudes are the result of the embedding of a class ideology that promotes greed and selfishness and an indifference to the plight of others, an ideology that demands the rights of the great and good transcend all other considerations and demands that if other people's rights infringe upon theirs then those rights will have to be forfeit. At last many commentators are beginning to see what has been blindingly obvious for decades, but I really doubt that anyone is listening. That is why I tell you that we are governed by people who are well-schooled but not at all well-educated. It has taken them decades to see what I have been warning you about since I began this blog and have been writing about for years. In Britain we have Brexit because our electorate refuse to admit that their problems are of their own making and are the result of their choices at elections. The US have Trump for the same reasons. However, the response by both electorates is to scapegoat, to blame other people because they cannot bring themselves to admit that they are wrong. Our people are now so politically ignorant and stupid that they call people like Obama a socialist. So dominant is the free market poison that any form of public spending or government regulation is labelled socialist or even communist. I now ask people what socialism is knowing full well that they will not be able to tell me. I say they are stupid because they are either too lazy or too indoctrinated to challenge such arrant nonsense, or to even find out what socialism is. As Smith again explains
"Upon this disposition of mankind, to go along with all the passions of the rich and powerful, is founded the distinctions of ranks, and the order of society….Even when the order of society seems to require that we should oppose them, we can hardly bring ourselves to do it. That kings are the servant of the people, to be obeyed, resisted, opposed or punished, as the public conveniency may require, is the doctrine of reason and philosophy; but it is not the doctrine of Nature".
Kings, rulers, governments, are the servants of the people, not the other way around. Again, I have often quoted that sentence to people and asked them if they know who said it and they always answer, Karl Marx. That of course is a guess they make, but it is typical of how they view the world. Thus by todays standards of intellectual narrative, Adam Smith is a socialist, that is how politically and intellectually braindead we have become. In the UK the monarchy are the fountainhead of the class system but the people are so blinded by pomp and circumstance that they grovel to the most dysfunctional family in the nation, a collection of inbreds and misfits. I told you before, when I voiced the opinion that Theresa May was a genuinely stupid person, a very well-schooled and pleasant gentleman looked at me in horror and said that she was Prime Minister, and when I asked him so-what? he was speechless. That was his response, she is Prime Minister and therefore cannot be stupid. She must know what she is doing. I mean that is a herd mentality but is typical of what passes for political discourse in this pathetic nation. The Bible exhorts us to 'prove all things and hold fast to that which is good'. That is a commandment, not a request. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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