Thursday, 20 April 2017

Not a Tory? You will soon be seen as a terrorist, you have been warned!

Well here we go again with Mayhem calling a general election in June. This will mark the UK's sixth and Scotland's seventh, election in just three years. We will have had the European elections, two general elections, local government elections, the EU referendum and in Scotland the Independence referendum, all since May 2014. Already the Daily Mail and the Sun have unleashed a torrent of hate and abuse against non-Tories and all those who seek to dilute the prospects of a complete break from the EU and the disasters that will surely follow. The Mail in particular has now abandoned any pretence of respecting democratic decency and the concept of legitimate opposition. Its headline was 'crush the saboteurs' which many people were quick to point out was Lenin's rallying cry to the Bolsheviks following the October Revolution. Those of you who are sceptical about my persistent warnings about Britain sliding into totalitarianism may wish to contemplate the nature of political discourse in this garbage heap of a nation. People who oppose the Tory agenda of authoritarian rule and reducing the British working class to a slave like state were labelled the enemy within by the Blessed Margaret. We are now saboteurs according to the Tory high command. This is the language of tyrants. It is only a matter of time before we are labelled terrorists.

I don't know how interested people from overseas are in British politics, but I trust you will understand that Britain is not alone in the creeping authoritarianism that threatens to destroy democracy throughout the world so there are lessons to be learned from our experience. I trust you will bear with me if I share my thoughts with you on our national predicament. Such is the situation in this country that two of the most prominent Scottish conservative and unionist political commentators are now gloomily predicting that Scotland will be independent within the next ten years. They are becoming resigned to the fact that the Tories are now so dominant in England and so toxic because of their arrogance and contempt for everyone else that the Scots have had enough and even natural unionists are turning against them. As for the Labour Party, they are a serious joke and are in danger of becoming redundant as a result of abandoning all pretence of being a serious opposition.

Despite the constant assurances that we Scots are a valued partner in 'our precious union' and her insistence that she sees this election as a way to strengthen her precious union, Mayhem quite openly treats the Scots with contempt and persistently ignores every initiative and suggestion that comes out of Scotland. As one wit recently put it, like Gollum, Mayhem 'wants her precious regardless of the damage done to anyone else'. Despite having 56 MPs in the pigsty the SNP are persistently mocked and pointedly ignored by the whole Westminster machine, the London centred press and the entire English dominated media. As you know we voted by 62% to remain within the EU and the Scottish government presented the pigsty with a 300 page document in December outlining various different options to allow Scotland to have a closer relationship with the EU after Brexit; the Tories haven't even replied, but encourage their lackeys in the media to brand us as saboteurs. The latest snub is the rejection of any discussion on a second independence referendum. So, there is no recognition of any democratic responsibility to the significant majority of Scots who dissent from the pigsty's narrative or even a hint of discussion on Scotland's concerns.

In addition, you will be aware of the problems that Brexit has posed for the very fragile situation in Northern Ireland. Today, both Sinn Fein and the SDLP have described Mayhem's actions in calling this election as 'throwing a grenade into the middle of the peace process'. At least Mayhem is consistent as she stands accused of 'displaying a blatant disregard to the people of Northern Ireland.' As I continually warn you, the Tories have become really quite dangerous and are revelling in the dark side of British politics. This is the Blessed Margaret's legacy, there is no alternative, and no alternatives will be considered or even discussed. I planned to give you an update as to the damage Brexit is doing to this nation already, but will try to do so later. The English electorate are heading for disaster. If it happens it will be of their own making. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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