Monday 19 February 2018

You cannot shame the shameless, people devoid of an ethical centre

In the past two days I have listened to media commentators describing the 45 as demented and deranged. I read a post from a survivor of the Florida shooting calling the 45 a f.....g piece of s..t. This is how the American public are beginning to describe their president, the head of state. He is widely viewed by the rest of the world as quite insane but more importantly as rude, ill-mannered, a bully, a racist and a misogynist and is widely described as a man-baby subject to temper tantrums. That is some indictment, particularly of the holder of the most powerful office on the planet. All of these people cannot be wrong. I wrote here a long time ago that his ego and narcissism are a deep seated illness and his antics demonstrate that on a daily basis. But at least there are signs that America's youth, their future voters, are no longer prepared to tolerate his behaviour or support him.

The recent shootings in Florida have unearthed many of the issues I raised here last time on the concepts of freedom. I have rarely heard such genuinely demented arguments as from those who have attempted to defend the freedom to bear and carry arms and from spokespersons from the National Rifle Association, arguments that are so irrational they border on the insane. I wrote here that I was contemplating introducing a new category for political analysis, the politics of shamelessness, and then listened to the Florida students calling 'shame on you' at all the supporters of the gun lobby. I was heartened by their bravery, a quality completely absent from their parents, and from their refusal to be influenced by the perverted propaganda of the American pigsty, but was sadly struck by the realisation that they were voices in the wilderness because the people they are calling out to are incapable of shame, they are truly shameless. You cannot shame anyone who has no moral compass, who is totally selfish, devoid of dignity or self-respect, and who are in office with the sole purpose of promoting their own personal wealth and power. Such people have successfully purged themselves of all moral and ethical inner voices, that human capacity Adam Smith called 'the impartial spectator' who speaks to us on a moral and ethical level. They are sociopaths, with many accurately described as psychopaths, a description levelled at the 45 by a Democratic senator. 

The British Prime Minister falls into such a category. She was actually asked on television yesterday how long she thought she could hold on to office and if she was not constantly on alert for the possibility of being stabbed in the back, and she just sat and smiled. Unlike the 45 she at least appears to be aware of just how incompetent and useless she is, but has the satisfaction of knowing that all of her immediate competitors are actually worse. Any person with a modicum of self-respect would retreat in shame from such a public persona, but the 45 and May do not possess the capacity for shame.

But the real culprits are the American and British electorates. If anyone should be ashamed it is the people who voted for the 45 and the Tories, the people who voted Brexit. I am amused by the lather being generated about the Russian interference in both our nations, because, obviously the British and Americans would never dream of interfering in another nation's affairs, or attempting to influence the outcome of their elections. What we should be ashamed of is being so ignorant and ill-informed that we would take any notice of Russian inspired propaganda, that we would believe the nonsense they promoted. No use blaming the Russians, we are our own worst enemies, because the Russians are not half as bad or corrupt as the Daily Mail, the Express, Conservative Home Office, Fox News etc. It was they who picked up the Russian messages and ran with them, who delighted in the 'fake news' and promoted it with a vengeance. If the Russians told lies, they were not half as bad, or half as effective as the lies spewed out by The Spider or Nigel Garbage and the rest of that loathsome sociopathic set. I just regret that the Russians didn't do enough to influence the Scottish Independence referendum and decouple us from Westminster. If our politicians and media were honest and robust enough, no amount of propaganda from anywhere would be effective enough to do the damage that the Russians are accused of. If the Russians did indeed influence our respective democracies then the fault lies, not with the Russians, but with our own societies and their national institutions that have become so venal and corrupt, and so disconnected to their own populations, that our respective peoples are ready to believe just about anything. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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