Tuesday 2 January 2018

What on earth is a Christian?

I have been contemplating the many seasonal messages from our leaders and the great and the good that are routinely issued over the festive season and note with interest how they are all at pains to publicise their Christian values and beliefs and how they routinely invoke the authority of the Christian God and Jesus Christ to substantiate their message and their commitment to all of the supposed benefits of a Christian society. This form of festive pronouncement was even quite remarkably announced, without even a blush, by the 45. I have thus come to the conclusion that I no longer understand the Christian religion or what it supposedly stands for, and that if people such as the 45, the Republican Party, their evangelical Christian supporters, and our atrocious and heartless Tory government genuinely represent the Christian religion then that religion represents a source of evil. These are people who lie without thinking, who wage war both externally and internally in their respective nations, who shamelessly discriminate and persecute those they perceive as others, who demonise the poor and the working class and promote quite deliberate anti-social public policies that destroy people, communities and families. They are not only anti-social, they are anti-Christian as I understand the term. But worse, they are promoting policies that they must be fully aware are going to destroy the human race. There is no excuse left to these people to deny or ignore climate change, and yet they simply don't care. If there is a Christian God. surely he/she must be deeply ashamed of his/her adherents? 

As I have written before, conditions I have been warning you of for years are coming to fruition and the world is catching up with the Kommirat. For example our good Christian Tory government are still continuing to refuse to give assurances that British citizens will have their rights protected after Brexit. Remember, this is the real motivation behind Brexit, the reduction of working people, the masses, to a condition of modern slavery. Christian values must therefore correlate with cutting people's salaries, lengthening their hours of work, destroying their conditions of service, stuffing the bank accounts of the already obscenely rich with even more money taken from the poor and disadvantaged as well as all the other catalogue of crimes against the people that this blog has no room for. All this follows on from the government refusing to include any of the Grenfell Tower residents in the Grenfell Inquiry Panel, indeed their legal representatives will not be allowed to question witnesses, how’s that for a democratic legal process? How's that for the Christian value of caring for the poor and the distressed? Meanwhile, the Kensington Council responsible for Grenfell Tower and all the other housing within the borough has just appointed a chairperson who quite cheerfully admits she has never seen the inside of a tower block. Discussing these points, and others regarding British governance, such as the Health Secretary who co-authored a book on privatising the health service who has just awarded £7billion worth of medical service contracts to the private sector, the Guardian concluded that it’s corruption and it stinks”.

I sometimes wonder if I am the only person who sees this nauseating hypocrisy, or if I am the only one who is revolted by it? For years I have been talking about the obscenity of homelessness and how it is so unnecessary and a quite deliberate policy by all parties in the pigsty who constitute a large proportion of private landlords.  Today, years after I first started to talk about it, the press are commenting how 60,000 homes in England and Wales have been lying empty for over two years whilst 11,000 have been empty for over a decade. Homelessness is a callous fraud, a cruelty that should see the people responsible in jail. The people responsible are our great Christian moralists who preach love and practice hate and insatiable greed.  Today saw another rise in rail fares in Britain. Season tickets on the railways have risen 30% since 2010 with the annual rise this week at 3.4% another graphic example of the complete failure of privatisation and the Tory determination to lie through their teeth about the effects of their policies. When oh when are those people who claim to be Christians going to speak up and denounce these liars and hypocrites and show their cruelty and repulsive greed for what it is? If they continue to keep silent, or worse, to vote for these people and their policies, I will be left to conclude that this is indeed Christianity in action. The world has no time left with which to indulge such criminal activities. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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