Monday 22 January 2018

At last - the end of the free market is in sight

It is said that every cloud has a silver lining. The United Kingdom is in almost perpetual crisis, all caused by the ideological commitment to free market economics. The NHS is on its knees, the housing market is a shambles, social care is in terminal decline, the railways are a shambles, the financial system is in crisis, Brexit is a continuing disaster, our prison system is in chaos. I could go on but you are all too familiar with all that is wrong in this pathetic nation. However, there is a silver lining and the saga that characterises the collapse of Carillion must surely lay forever to rest the myth of the free market and the superiority of the private sector over the public. I was heartened last week watching Question Time when many in the audience openly called the Tory MP on the panel a liar when she said that it was untrue that the Tories are quite deliberately destroying the NHS for the purpose of privatising it. Question Time came from Hereford last week, a region that has a Tory majority council and two Tory MPs. This is evidence that at least some of the electorate are finally wakening up to the consequences of their own actions and of the damage being inflicted by those they voted for. The blame for this situation is of course the government's obsession with the free market and the private sector. Nearly forty years of incessant propaganda, inspired by the Blessed Margaret has produced a nation that hates the public sector, trades unions, working people in general and the very concept of collectivism. But the British are beginning to finally realise that there is something very wrong. The thing ain't workin. Its a pity more of them don't read the Kommirat. As I have been telling you for years this is the logical end product of the Blessed Margaret's poisonous experiment.

The British, despite their fond self-image as rational and sensible, are an ideological people, sustained by myths and their craven subservience to a vile and deeply corrupt elite who despise them. All you need to do is watch the grovelling and salivating of the ordinary British person when they are in the presence of, or even close to, the Royals and it will demonstrate why, despite singing that they never never ever shall be slaves, that is exactly what they are and indeed enjoying their slave like status. The British still think they are the masters of the universe and genuinely believe that they are Great. As I have said before, the 'Great' in Britain is a reference to the expansion of political  England with the inclusion of Scotland Wales and Ireland in the political entity that constitutes the United Kingdom, or Great Britain if you prefer that term. They are a people obsessed by class and racism, which of course they vehemently deny at every opportunity; they live in a world of their own imagination. When black players began playing for our top football teams stewards had to come on and clear away the bananas that were thrown onto the pitch. But again empirical reality came to the fore and now such players are feted as heroes. That has done nothing to stop their racism however, they just direct it elsewhere now, at Muslims for example.

But ideology cannot deny empirical evidence although it can lie and distort it and seek to utilise it for its own agenda. The empirical realities of the free market are now getting too graphic for even Tory voters in Hereford to deny. The imminent collapse of the NHS is wonderfully concentrating even the deliberately blind. The Carillion saga and the prospect of the collapse of the NHS and its subsequent privatisation, with all the costs and implications involved are beginning to frighten most people. On Question Time, an American panelist was quite adamant that we should never go down the American route with respect to health. An Oxfam Report out this week has highlighted how inequality has reached the level of unacceptable obscenity as the concentration of wealth because of the obsession with the free market now shows that 42 people now own as much as half of the rest of the world. Thus, one of the great myths of the free market, that it enriches more people than any other form of economic model, is demonstrated to be a lie. In the UK the Private Finance Initiative fraud is now being accepted as just that, a massive fraud, and again a free market lie. In the UK the private sector has been exposed as racketeering and the whole ideological edifice erected by the Tories is exposed as being built on sand. Anyone who still attempts to champion the concept of the free market is intellectually sterile and is in fact stupid, but these are the people who still hold the intellectual power in this rotten borough. The free market must eventually succumb to the overwhelming reality of the misery and damage it has done, but it will still take a long time to permeate the consciousness of our good patriotic citizens who still believe that their betters are governing in their best interests. It has a lot of real damage to do yet. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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