Sunday 16 July 2017

If you are a Tory, Marx will get to heaven before you do

If you have ever attempted to reason with an evangelical Christian you will understand how it is virtually impossible to penetrate blind conviction. There is no point attempting to rationalise the irrational as such people are impenetrable. Religion embeds fail safe mechanisms into people's consciousness so that the belief system will remain intact, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It is exactly the same with free marketeers, they live in an impenetrable bubble even in the face of undeniable evidence that their belief system is a fraud and has been convincingly demonstrated to be such by history. Today's modern economic system demonstrates the wisdom of Marx when he told us how a capitalist free market will gravitate to opposite poles, and, despite that he never actually said that the rich will get richer whilst the poor will get poorer, that is what it amounts to, and is being daily demonstrated. As he warned us

It follows therefore that in proportion as capital accumulates, the lot of the labourer, be his payment high or low, must grow worse. The law, finally, that always equilibrates the relative surplus population, or industrial reserve army, to the extent and energy of accumulation, this law rivets the labourer to capital more firmly than the wedges of Vulcan did Prometheus to the rock. It establishes an accumulation of misery, corresponding with accumulation of capital. Accumulation of wealth at one pole is, therefore, at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole, i.e., on the side of the class that produces its own product in the form of capital.”

It is a fact that in today's Britain, sixty percent of people who fall into the government's own definition of poverty are in work. It is also a fact that the top one percent of the world's population own over half the world's wealth. What on earth kind of conditions must eventually prevail before people waken up to this state of affairs and look for workable alternatives? When are supposedly intelligent people going to accept that the market has failed and indeed cannot work?

I am continually attempting to make people aware of the impossibility of a free market in the most basic terms. I ask them, how can you have a free market and taxation? That is the most basic example. A free market in labour must produce slavery, it must be what the free marketeer refers to as unfettered, and so all restrictions on an employer are fetters that must be removed and is why I have persistently warned you in this blog that a state of virtual slavery for British workers is the long-term goal of Tory policy. What history also tells us is that free markets always result in monopoly, the antithesis of a market economy. Why do you think genuine enthusiasts for free market economics desire the continual reduction in, and elimination of, taxation, or the removal of employment rights and protections. They are correct, taxation and employment rights are constraints on market activity, so if you want a free market you must get rid of them. Why do you think that the more right-wing people are the more they are opposed to the EU? The EU is certainly a capitalist organisation, but it is a managed organisation that supports the market concept, but opposes the neoliberal anti-state model. Remember how I told you previously that I coined the term anarchic fascist for the peculiarly Tory/Republican conservative that so dominates our political and economic life. These are the people for whom enough is never enough, for whom working people are simply a constant source of exploitation. They desire an anarchic free for all in economic terms, but ruthlessly utilise a centralised state system to further their aims. Mayhem freely admitted that fact when she called the recent election, she was seeking as much political power as possible to push her crazed Brexit agenda. The British media is full this morning of the story that the Chancellor of the Exchequer told a Cabinet meeting that public service workers are seriously overpaid. He reached that conclusion by taking account of their pensions, therefore if you are expecting to retire on a public sector pension scheme, you should be getting much less when you are working. That is the fevered madness that constitutes a conservative free marketeers brain. The same of course does not apply to a member of parliament, the ultimate public sector worker, or indeed the monarchy, the ultimate social security scrounger.

People who qualify for a public service pension are receiving a return on something they contributed to all of their working life, but in Tory mythology, a pension is a gift, a something-for-nothing gratuity bestowed undeservedly, it is, in their fevered minds, unearned income. You pay for a pension, it doesn't come free, but, in the Tory mentality this must be punished whilst you are still working. This post is a bit long and I apologise, but I never fail to marvel how brainwashed and simplistic the average person is when confronted with such obvious nonsense. I often ask myself if our good god-fearing Christians, who are almost all conservatives and Tory voters, never mind crazed anti-state Republicans, ever reflect on why it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven? You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat    

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