Sunday 23 July 2017

Brexit - A Testament to the Intelligence of the British Political Class

As you will probably know, Brexit is becoming the disaster it always threatened to be. Quite fittingly, history will record that the people who are most culpable for the coming crisis are the same people who caused the first crisis and the circumstances that led to the Brexit vote in the first place. In other words, we are depending on achieving a successful outcome from people who are manifestly incapable of delivering it. Brexit is a direct result of the financial crash, and, in true British style, the people who caused that crash are the only people who have benefited from it, an incompetent and ideologically stupid political class who don't even begin to understand politics, and a financial class of the most venal and rapacious sociopaths imaginable. The political and financial elite in Britain quite genuinely have no concern for anyone other than their own enrichment and this is borne out every day by their actions. If you follow British affairs, the Grenfell Tower disaster is ample testament to the complete indifference of the political class to the plight of ordinary British citizens. However, these attitudes are displayed in every constituency in the UK every day. People question me when I tell them how the Tories have a visceral loathing of working people and what they term 'the lower orders' but they are embarrassed now because my condemnation of the Tories is on graphic display at the national level. It is even being viewed with bewilderment by the rest of the world who live with this Roger Miller type rose tinted view of the British and have difficulty with reality. The Tories are not alone, they are just the worst. Whilst the rest of us are suffering from the subsequent austerity that has lowered our standard of living and impoverished large parts of the population, the banking and financial sectors have flourished and have never had to suffer any penalties for their criminality. That is the British way, blame it all on the poor, the disadvantaged, immigrants etc. and make them pay for the crimes of the elite.

In a just society, the perpetrators of our problems would be tasked with providing the largest responsibility for their solution, but in the disaster that is Brexit, the criminals are deserting their responsibilities and getting away with it. Just this past month some of the largest banking and financial corporations have announced that they are relocating their operations out of Britain. Morgan Stanley, the Bank of America, Standard Chartered, Nomura, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs have all announced their intentions of moving the headquarters of their operations out of the country. Every one of those are criminal organisations who should have been immediately nationalised in 2008 and their entire management structures jailed. That is what would have happened if Kommirat had been in power. Instead, they have recovered, largely at the expense of the British taxpayer, and are still carrying on with the criminal activities that caused the financial crash in the first place. What must be remembered is that banks just don't employ bankers, they also employ cleaners, lawyers, counter staff etc. and so although the banking personnel will be good riddance, it will hurt many others who were not party to their crimes. The British electorate in their profound political wisdom have proceeded to re-elect the main political criminals, who were just as culpable as the financiers, twice since the crash, despite all the evidence that their entire public policy programme is one large lie. It is beyond debate that the entire Brexit mentality and programme was one huge lie and was a massive demonstration of racism and hatred of foreigners. It will rank as one of the greatest programmes of deception and mendacity in history. But your average Brexiteer is like those free marketeers I was commenting on recently, impenetrable to reason and completely resistant to both facts and evidence, they are the Jehovah's Witnesses of politics.

In January 2007 before the financial crash, the pound was worth 1.5063 euros, yesterday it dropped below one euro so that we are now getting around 95 euro cents for one pound. How's that for progress and for a thriving economy outside the EU. This is the evidence of Brexit and of sound pigsty financial management. Following our actual exit from the single market it will of course deteriorate even more and the UK will be heading for bankruptcy, but, as I always say, you get what you vote for. It will take a national emergency for the UK electorate to actually get the message of what they have done and of the people they so blindly follow. I told you the day she was elected leader of the Tory party that Theresa May was thick and stupid, nobody now disputes that. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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