Monday 1 February 2016

Unions, who needs them?

The British public has an irrational hatred of trades unions. This hatred has been assiduously fomented over the past 40 years by the Tories, the Westminster pigsty in general and by a Tory union hating press and media under the malign influence of the Murdoch empire and neo-Nazis such as the editors of the British tabloid newspapers. I am sure Britain is not unique in this and that it is a universal feature of all free market economies, but in this country it is an artificially created phenomenon with the purpose of preparing the way for the eventual enslavement of working people caused by the removal of any rights and ability to challenge the employer class.

That this hatred is irrational is shown by the fact that it is the democratic and rights based social culture that the British have inherited from the passion and struggle of trades unions throughout the past 200 years that enable people to express that hatred. I continually speak to people who express contempt for the union movement, which, of course, they dismiss as 'socialist' when it is demonstrably obvious that it is no such thing. These are people whose whole working and social existence can be demonstrated as deriving in many ways from union struggles in the past. I was reminded of this when I was speaking to a gay friend who was disparaging unions. I reminded him that one of the greatest boosts that the gay liberation cause gained in this country was when the Labour Party adopted gay rights as a fundamental human right because of the bloc vote of the National Union of Mineworkers. Labour was forced into adopting gay rights, they were not supportive, and the person most responsible for dragging Labour into civilisation was, at that time, the most hated man in Britain, Arthur Scargill.

The next time you embark on your holidays, or access your old age pension, or claim overtime for working more than an eight hour day, I ask you to pause and think where such benefits derive from? If you are claiming unemployment benefit, or any other form of social security, if you enjoy a workplace pension, if you enjoy a hot meal in a works canteen, ask yourself where such things had their genesis? Indeed, most people enjoy pay levels that have been established by trade union bargaining whether they belong to a union or not, because the employer has to pay a rate that has been set elsewhere by a trade union in order to attract the skill required. Why do you think that the Tory establishment wants the destruction of unions? Because they want the destruction of all your working rights in order that they can dictate your working life and prevent you protecting your job, your conditions of employment and your conditions of retirement, that's why! Why do you think they want you to vote yourself out of the EU? The big question at the referendum will be immigration, but that is simply a scapegoat to take your eyes off the real prize, the destruction and removal of your human rights. They have created the classic Nazi scare tactic, the fear of the other, Johnny Foreigner, in order that you lose sight of what their real goal is. If immigration is putting a strain on social services such as housing, health services, education etc. it is only because the Tories have starved these services of funds in the first place. That situation can be easily remedied if we have the will, but we have been reduced to such a greedy selfish tax and foreigner hating mob by years of Tory propaganda that we no longer have either the will or the common decency.

It is not the withdrawal from the EU you should fear, it is what will happen once the Tories have removed the British from the protection of Human Rights, the European Courts and destruction of civilisation that will follow. Once again I am confident in the civilisation and intelligence of the Scottish people that we will avoid this looming nightmare by withdrawing from the UK in the event of such a scenario. If such things do occur, then the only protection that ordinary people will have in what is left of the UK is their union movement, but by then it may be too late as your hatred will ensure the castration of all union activities as it has in all right-wing authoritarian states. The unions are the last bastion of democratic accountability as there is now no hope for you in Westminster. You dismiss trades unions at your peril. Who needs trade unions? you do, now more than ever. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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