Monday 8 February 2016

The British are simply devoid of moral decency

The arrogance and complete selfishness of the British elite and their utter contempt for the democratic process was exposed when David Cameron told his MPs to ignore their constituency members and vote with their conscience in the coming European referendum. So, for the Westminster criminals, what the voters and their own party membership, the people who elect them into office, whose taxes pay their salaries, expenses, pensions etc. have to say on a matter that will determine the future of the United Kingdom for the foreseeable future is of absolutely no consequence. The inhabitants of the Westminster pigsty and the rest of their right-wing free market imbecilic supporters are devoid of any form of moral compass. I listened to a spokesperson for the Taxpayers Alliance arguing for seven day a week shopping and NHS services and noted how this was, in their opinion, a matter of individual freedom. What about the individual and collective freedom of the people she was demanding will have to work in order that she can have her little piece of individual freedom? According to her this is a serious case of the right to freedom of choice. However, this is an example of how these people haven't a clue what they are talking about. They latch onto a concept and regurgitate it as if it was holy writ when it is obvious they don't even begin to understand it. Freedom is not an absolute. Like everything else, it is a finite resource. An exercise of one person's freedom is almost certain to mean a restriction of someone else's. If you wish to exercise your freedom to shop 24 hours a day seven days a week then you had better speedily understand that you are seriously restricting other people's freedom to allow yourself that luxury. What about the freedom of the people you are in effect demanding must work to satisfy your particularly selfish demand for freedom? When will they be free to shop, or to care for their families, or to indulge in recreational activities?
This is Camoron's approach to democracy. It is significant of the political mentality in today's Britain that this vile creature would make such a public announcement in the House of Commons. It is also a cruel joke to continue to call this disreputable establishment 'the Commons' as it is simply a social club for the Oxbridge elite.

One of the essential differences between the people who live in England and those who live in Scotland is that, despite the fact that, beginning with Thatcher, the Westminster gang have systematically and quite deliberately destroyed Britain's industrial infrastructure, despite the fact that they destroyed the coal, steel and manufacturing industries, and with their savage austerity programme have starved the education and health sectors, have almost destroyed the caring sector, have wrecked the rail and transport network etc. (I could go on here to write a book about their crimes), the people who live in England insist on blaming immigrants, the EU and the unions, whilst the people in Scotland have laid the blame firmly where it belongs at Westminster's door. Britain's problems are blindingly obvious but, apart from Scotland, the British continually support the criminals who caused our problems and seek to scapegoat their stupidity and complete lack of moral fibre by blaming 'the other'. The Scots live in no doubt who is to blame, that is why the SNP have the levels of support that they enjoy.

Most people in Scotland are not nationalists, the referendum showed that. If the Labour Party had a scintilla of moral courage and apologised for Mad Tony, New Labour, the Iraq War and the appalling cronyism that has benighted Scotland for decades then they could make a reasonable comeback. But even in the face of the overwhelming rejection of the Scottish people they still refuse to face reality. That is their choice and they will reap what they sow. Even the London based press are beginning to notice what I have been telling you since I started this blog, that the Tories are systematically building an authoritarian one-party state. If the English vote to leave the EU they will live to regret it, but in the meantime the Scots will vote to leave the UK. We are far too intelligent and civilised to tolerate such a scenario. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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