Friday 29 May 2015

The United Kingdom is finished

A constant theme of this blog has been the contention that the Tories have had two outstanding goals since Thatcher took office, the transfer of as much money as possible from British society in general to the elite at the top, and the gradual introduction of a modern form of slavery for British workers. I know many people over the years have dismissed my thesis as extreme and unbelievable, but I feel that the evidence is now too graphic and overwhelming to be ignored any more, or to be passed off as an eccentric characteristic of my paranoia.

As to the charge of slavery, following the almost complete removal of employment rights by successive legislation, the Tories hit the jackpot by the gradual acceptance of zero-hours contracts by the British people. Zero-hours contracts remove all employment rights from a worker at a stroke without the tedious business of passing legislation. As I have said here before, when I talk of the English people I am talking about the people who live in England, and I conclude that the English have absorbed all the vicious and hateful propaganda by the Tories about the poor, the disadvantaged, the disabled and people on benefits and that a significant number of them have developed a genuine hatred and contempt for such people. Despite all the evidence, they happily blame them for the country's ills. It is the scapegoat mentality. As I explain in my book, Human Rights in a Big Yellow Taxi, benefits are a right, they are not a handout or a privilege. Bankers bonuses are not a right, and as Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize winning economist has explained, the financial crash that led to the austerity we are experiencing was caused by outright and prolonged criminality by the financial class with the open and direct collusion of our political class, both here and the USA.

No-one has ever been punished for this criminality unless you consider being dismissed from your job with a million pound bonus and a million pounds a year pension for life as punishment. This is because what the bankers and financiers were doing was opening the doors for the transference of wealth upwards that has been the long-term goal of all neoliberals, but especially the British Conservative Party. Yesterday we had the spectacle of the Labour Party supporting the Tories plan to lower the benefit cap further, thus ensuring the continuing poverty of large section of the population, and they still don't understand why they got such a hammering in Scotland? Unfortunately for Britain as a whole, it is only by becoming harder sand crueller towards the poor that Labour will begin to recover in England. That is why the whole concept of a United Kingdom is finished and the Scots will have to become independent. Britain has become two different nations with very little in common. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

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