Sunday 10 May 2015

The UK is definitely finished

The reaction of the Westminster political class and the English dominated media to the result of the general election in Scotland demonstrate quite clearly that there is no real hope for the continuance of the United Kingdom and that Scottish independence has assumed the status of a necessity. The good news for the Scottish people is that Mad Tony and all his right-wing quasi-fascist henchmen are back.
I ask you to never forget that here is nothing remotely Labour about Blair, Mandelson, Ummuna etc. - they are all die hard Tories who simply calculated that joining the Labour Party was a better way for them to climb the greasy pole and get their snouts deeply in the trough. If these people can be remotely likened to socialists then I no longer understand the English language. Why I say that the union is effectively finished is that Mad Tony is probably correct, that the only way for Labour to regain credibility is to move sharply to the right and once again pander to the greed and selfishness of middle England whilst demonising the poor and people on benefits. However, that can only work in England. I genuinely believe that the next five years will see the implosion of the Tories and serious social unrest. Labour has self-destructed, the Tories are next.

In Labour's case, their English revival will have the opposite effect in Scotland, and the beauty of it is that they really can't understand this. My old friend Chuka Ummuna is putting himself forward as a leadership candidate of a future Labour Party and is pontificating about how Scotland has embraced nationalism. I mean, what planet are these people on? This type of wilful ignorance is truly painful as it reveals how shallow their grasp of politics really is. To begin to embrace such an analysis reveals a depth of genuine stupidity and graphically demonstrates what is wrong with this country when such people can come to such conclusions. These are the idiotic conclusions of an ignorant elite who never leave the completely false environment of London and the South East? Does this ignoramus really believe that the thousands of people who have deserted Labour in Scotland since September have embraced nationalism? The increase in the SNP vote can only have come from people who voted No in the referendum but now realise they were completely shafted by a shower of lying sociopaths, so to simply dismiss them as nationalists is to completely misunderstand. Indeed the Westminster mob are quite incapable of understanding that people were voting for the SNP as a vehicle to express their disgust and rejection of the Westminster lies and their model of politics and the neoliberal free market model of economic austerity, that their votes had nothing to do with nationalism but were a demonstration that there is a general acceptance that an independent Scotland has become a matter of national survival. In other words, independence is a means to an end as opposed to an end in itself as the Scots are left with no other option. The No vote in the referendum was betrayed and left the Scots electorate with no-one to trust in as the people who they did put their trust in have been exposed as liars and crooks. The Scottish vote was a decisive rejection of the Labour Party far more than it was an enthusiasm for nationalism. Labour people in Scotland have to come to accept that they have been rejected, not because the Scots have embraced nationalism, but because they are perceived, rightly, as wolves in sheep's clothing. I have spoken personally with literally dozens of people since Thursday who all told me how painful it was for them to abandon Labour and how they did so because of Labour's complete irrelevance in Scotland today. They described a deep corruption within Labour, a corruption of values, of vision and of intellectual honesty. Labour are quite simply morally and ethically bankrupt. Scottish Labour has to purge themselves of the Murphy's, the Dugdales, the Alexanders, the Currans etc. and start afresh. But their first priority is to completely sever all relations with Westminster Labour. If Labour in Scotland continue to allow themselves to be part of, and therefore dominated by, Westminster, then they are finished.

I now find myself in the unbelievable situation of encouraging a renewed and vigorous Labour Party and will therefore have to have a shower and lie down. But I am appealing to Labour people because Scotland needs a vigorous and dynamic democracy and an essential part of that is a vigorous and dynamic opposition. Scotland also needs a dynamic Liberal Party. It needs debate, discussion, an exchange of ideas and vision. A genuinely educated polity listens to all sides and embraces positive suggestions from whatever sector of society they come from. Again I warn you, the Tories first priority will be to repeal the Human Rights Act. We will then be faced with the genuine possibility of a form of fascist state. There will be no democratic debate then. Scotland can no longer tolerate this poisoned union in which we were assured we would be Better Together. It is now exposed for the lie that I have been continually telling you it is. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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