Wednesday 1 April 2015

The Westminster lies just keep flooding out

I  have written here before about the much repeated lie that the government has created one and a half million new jobs. I find it quite remarkable that they are allowed to keep repeating this without any serious challenge. I think it is about time that I was allowed onto national television to confront these people.

For example, one of the first things that the Tories did, with Lib/Dem collusion, following the last election was to transfer over 200,000 employees in further education in England and Wales from the public sector to the private. This included all further education staff both academic and support staff. With a simple signature on a piece of paper, these people were designated as private sector employees after having been designated public sector since the second world war, and by doing that the Tories claimed that they had created over 200,000 new permanent jobs in the private sector. This was a quite outrageous lie, but has been allowed to take root and become accepted as fact. In addition, almost one-third of the so-called new jobs under this government are self-employed. Thus regardless of the circumstances of these people, with many of them having to claim benefits because they cannot get enough work, and being idle for long stretches, the Tories claim such people as being included in the new permanent workforce they are so proud to be responsible for. Many of these new, fulltime, permanent workers are the very people who are dependent on foodbanks. In addition, I would love to know how many other workers who were previously regarded as public sector have been similarly transferred to the private sector with the stroke of a pen and are now claimed to be new private sector permanent jobs by this government? Many people in the care and health services fall into this category as are people who work in such service industries as school dinners and cleaners who have been transferred to private firms under 'outsourcing' contracts.

I cannot repeat enough, a Westminster politician is a pathological liar and can never be trusted. If you happen to meet a candidate in this election who comes up to you and shakes your hand, you would be well advised to count your fingers immediately after. Both Labour and the Tories long ago abandoned the pretence of being Conservative and Labour. The Tories abandoned any pretence of conservatism when they elected Thatcher and have since sought to implement radical change in every area of life as fast as they can. They conserve nothing, not even their own core ideology. Labour abandoned the labour movement and working people even before they elected Mad Tony and have since spent all their energies trying to convince traditional Tories that they can represent them better than the Tory Party. Both Labour and Conservative parties define their narrow sectional interests as the national interest, and both of them regard any form of Scottish interest as a threat and an alien life form. If that Jim Murphy creature is all we have to put our faith in then we are truly lost. He would be quite at home in UKIP. The character and quality of representative that we are presented with by the two major parties is genuinely atrocious. They are inarticulate, incapable of independent thought and perfectly happy to lie through their teeth at every opportunity, or as Francie and Josie used to say at every opporchancity, and, make no mistake, none of them even begin to understand politics. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

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