Tuesday 31 March 2015

Not voting Labour or Conservative? You are a traitor!

What is a vote? Well, if that vote is to reject independence from the United Kingdom in a referendum it is a precious thing that must be exercised as a matter of both honour and principle. It is a symbol of your membership of a family, of an invaluable alliance that contributed to making a great nation and one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen. However, if it is a vote for the Scottish Nationalist Party it is an act of treason, a betrayal and something you quite simply should not be allowed to do, indeed it should not be recognised, it is invalid.

Such are the sentiments that are pouring out of the mouths of the Westminster gang and its lackeys in the press and media. Several points must be made here. First, everyone on the electoral register, plus all their family members are British citizens. Next, those who are entitled to vote have that vote by right and have the right to exercise that vote any way they choose, even if it means spoiling the ballot paper. Next, no elected politician has rights or special privileges in law than any other British citizen has. We were being bombarded with this 'fact' of life just six months ago by the same people who are now telling us that we have no right to vote for a party that is going to exercise its democratic right to exert as much influence as it can in the Westminster Parliament on behalf of the people who elected them. Indeed these people are telling us that despite being elected by a majority of the Scottish people, if the SNP are elected with a majority of Scottish seats, then they have no democratic mandate to act in any way that will disrupt the cosy dominance of the two major parties, Labour and Conservative.

I warned you all throughout the run up to the referendum that we were being fed a farrago of lies and propaganda that bordered on the racist. I also warned you that regardless of the promises that we were given by Westminster we would be betrayed. I warned you that Westminster politicians were totally without principles or scruples and should never be trusted. I was proven right within one hour of the result of the referendum. Not one Westminster politician has a shred of integrity, honesty, self-respect or dignity. They are, every one, a scoundrel. It never occurs to them in their semi-racist rantings about 'the Scots' that a large proportion of the Scottish electorate are not Scots, they are people who live in Scotland. It never occurs to them that a large proportion of people who vote nationalist are not nationalists, they simply vote that way as the only mechanism available to gain independence from the sewer that is the Westminster Parliament. The Labour Party genuinely believe that they are entitled to win in Scotland. Scotland is 'their' territory and woe betide anyone who challenges that entitled dominance. In like manner the Tories believe that they are entitled to rule in Westminster and that the only people who are entitled to challenge them are Labour.

You should brace yourself for a display of the absolute lowest form of politics possible in the next six weeks. The onslaught on the SNP from Scottish Labour will be of a ferocity that you will have difficulty understanding. The onslaught from the Tories on both Labour and the SNP will be just as bad. These are two major parties in the first stages of serious decline and there is one thing you can be certain of, they are incapable of learning from their mistakes or listening to anyone who disagrees with them. As I have told you before, these are parties suffering from what the Greeks call hubris, and in the case of Scotland, Labour is a victim of their own insufferable arrogance and incompetence. Again I warn you, all Labour and Tory politicians hold voters in contempt, particularly those they designate as from 'the lower classes'. On top of that they are now displaying an open hatred for the people of Scotland. You trust them at your peril. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

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