Monday 24 November 2014

Our role models, the banking and political classes, so much for the rule of law!

There can be no doubt that the biggest organised crime syndicate in the UK must be the Royal Bank of Scotland. The catalogue of their criminality seems never-ending in the media as they are exposed on a weekly basis for their criminal activities. Today we are regaled with their bare faced lies to Parliament over their colluding to bankrupt companies in order that they can strip their assets for their own profit. RBS have been repeatedly exposed for fraud, theft, illegal financial activities and lying and yet, no-one is ever held to account or punished. As I wrote in my last post, the biggest collection of active criminality in this country is in Westminster, but they are at least not as organised as RBS as they are made up of disparate groups in competition with each other. That is why I suspect that Westminster refuses to act on RBS as they actually do not see that they are doing anything wrong. The behaviour of our financial class and our political class are an utter disgrace and are evidence of the catastrophic leadership that we are suffering from.

A Westminster MP is a pathological liar. That is not a sarcastic remark, it is meant quite seriously. Westminster politicians are quite incapable of honesty and so when they see that type of behaviour from people like bankers then they view it as the norm. That is how the British ruling elite conduct their daily business. We are witnessing the British government telling us that we are facing the biggest threat from terrorism in our history and we are expected to take that at face value from a creature like Theresa May who refuses to furnish even a scintilla of proof for her exaggerated claims. This Home Secretary is one of the most appalling politicians imaginable. How this person could ever get elected is astonishing, yet she has risen to the third office of state in this sorry country and wields colossal but unaccountable power. I say unaccountable because she is introducing a further set of draconian legislation that erodes even more of our liberties and rights without a single piece of sustainable evidence that it is necessary. Now, it may well be necessary but we need to see the evidence. I remind you, the onus is always on the legislator to demonstrate that the legislation is both necessary and required. We must never simply take the word of such appalling human specimens.

I have said before and I repeat it, it is only a question of time before they criminalise simply being a Muslim. Also, one of their goals is to stop radical speakers from being heard. I wonder how long it will take them to get to me? This is what we voted for on September 18th. I hope it was worth it. you have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.       

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