Tuesday 18 November 2014

Incompetence and stupidity are the default position of a Westminster MP

Not only is the Westminster parliament home to the largest collection of criminals in the country but it also boasts the biggest group of economic illiterates imaginable. As I've told you before, the task of the serious social scientist is to explain the unintended consequences of intentional social action. It is now cheaper for British students to study in the USA than it is in their own country. If the annual income of a family is below £38,000 then American universities are free for British undergraduates. In addition, they may get maintenance allowances. In order to save money the economic geniuses in Westminster hiked up tuition fees to £9000 and have produced a situation where a British student can attend Harvard, the top university in the world, eclipsing both Oxford and Cambridge, easier and cheaper than they can attend any course in higher education in the UK.

On top of that, Westminster's deliberate policy of suppressing wages means that 75% of British students will never pay their student debt, even after the 30 year repayment period. This is the findings of the Higher Education Commission. As a result, despite the intended aim of reducing the burden of higher education on the taxpayer, the government is now heavily subsidising British students whilst being forced to write off billions of pounds of debt. You really couldn't make it up. According to the Institute of Fiscal Studies, the average student debt is expected to be £44,015, higher even than in the USA, the home of free market neoliberal economics. This is incompetence on an Olympian scale. The government were well warned that this was the likely outcome of their hastily planned incompetence, but as with everything else they refused to listen. This applies to both major parties and to the Lib/Dems who ignored their own propaganda about tuition fees to agree to such a system.    

On another front, the Church of England have described the government's bedroom tax as "unjust, ineffective and deeply unfair." Both student fees and this tax are examples of policies designed to punish the poorer sectors of our society. Student fees are not an issue for the rich and the bedroom tax is not applied to them either as it is only designed to hurt people on benefits. I have written before, and am quite serious, that the biggest recipients of welfare in the UK are the royal family, so why aren't they subject to the bedroom tax with all the spare capacity available in Buckingham Palace, Balmoral, Windsor, etc.? As of now, the dangers to the health service that I outlined yesterday, tuition fees and the bedroom tax are only applicable in the barbarian sectors of Britain outside of Scotland. If the Better Together idiots get their way that will change and we must do everything in our power to prevent that. If the Westminster incompetents and imbeciles are capable of such things whilst we are members of the EU, can you imagine what life will be like once they take us out of it? You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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