Friday 15 February 2013

Question Time

I must apologise to anyone who bothers reading my stuff for what must appear to be my inactivity over the past two weeks. This was because I have been unable to access my blog for some reason or another. 

I don't know if any of you watch Question Tine, but if you do I trust you note how all spokespeople for our major political parties simply refuse to answer the questions that are put by the audience. Instead, they take the line that they are answering the question that should have been asked, and that it is not their fault that this question was not asked. This is partly explained by the fact that they are incapable of being either spontaneous or honest, and because they can't answer due to the fact that  they are neither intelligent nor informed enough. Question Time is a good demonstration of how appalling our modern politicians are. Before any party politician appears on a programme such as Question Time, or the news etc., the party managers guess what they are likely to be asked on the programme and school them on what they should say. They therefore deliver a prepared party response whether they themselves believe it or not.

The modern party system has reduced our politics to a shambles, and staffed Parliament with self-serving yes people who are incapable of either rational thought or honesty. The only characteristic that unites our politicians is their ability to lie through their teeth without the slightest twinge of conscience. It is now a truism that if a spokesman for our political parties is speaking, and this is especially true for the principle party leaders, then they are lying.

The real culprit in all of this mess is the first-past-the-post electoral system that returns governments with comfortable majorities on a very small portion of electoral support. In Britain, because of this system we vote for parties and we get the MPs that the party want, not who we want. Parties strictly control who becomes a candidate in an election and they must be total yes people or they won't get selected. Thatcher at least admitted that in order to progress under her leadership you had to be 'one of us.'

This therefore produces a political system that is in fact a hereditary system as the party leaders ensure that everyone who succeeds them will ensure the continuation of their policies. That is why, what we are witnessing today is the logical extension of Thatcher herself. The financial crisis, the collapse of the NHS, education, the corruption of the media and the police etc. Thatcher laid the foundations and all succeeding politicians have slavishly built on her foundations, and the biggest culprits were the Labour Party. That is why the only solution available to us at this point in time is Scottish independence. This is actually the thing that will save the rest of the UK as well, as it will force necessary changes. For the present the poor electors outside of Scotland simply do not have viable alternatives.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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