Thursday 28 February 2013

Our vile elite

One of the abiding characteristics of the ruling elite in the UK is its almost total disconnect from British society and the majority of the British people. This disconnect is not accidental, it is the result of a conscious choice by the elite to disconnect from the society they dominate. They live in and work in the society but are not part of it. This elite consists of the economic and political masters of British society and the managerial and opinion-forming class who support them and advance their interests, and what connects them is their acceptance of, and adherence to, a particular ideology which fuels their contempt for ‘society,’ for British culture, their hatred of the working class and the disadvantaged, and their determination to marginalise and dominate them to enable them to loot as much of the nation’s wealth as possible. In her book, The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt tells us that the aristocratic elite in pre-revolutionary France
"did not regard themselves as representative of the nation, but as a separate ruling caste which might have much more in common with a foreign people of the same society and condition than with its compatriots"
This is especially true with regards to the British ruling elite and their circle of friends and associates. This group of rapacious parasites are united by their adherence to neoliberal free market economics which is the motivator behind their social and political attitudes. What these people have done, and continue to do, is to withdraw from the mainstream of society into enclaves where they disconnect from the civic life of the nation. As they withdraw, then that civic life ceases to have any relevance to them and they lose all connection to the reality of modern life in a nation such as Britain. That is why the Royal Bank of Scotland can post a yearly loss of £5.2billion but still pay bonuses of £600million to themselves. They are genuinely completely out of touch with reality. Their sole concern, now that their criminality has been exposed in the financial crisis, is to loot as much of the national treasury as is possible before they are stopped. This is also the principal motivator for the government who not only do nothing to prevent them, but actively assist them in this mass fraud.
As a result, the principal threat to the British state comes, not from foreign or home grown terrorists, not from benefit scroungers or immigrants, not from working people or the trades unions, but from those at the top of our social hierarchy. These people never use our buses or trains, they never use the public education system, they never use the health service, they never need benefits, they never shop in the high street, so they don’t give a damn about what happens to any of the social fabric of the nation as they don’t belong to it. All of the services and the dynamic life of the nation only matter to them to the extent that they can profit from it. They are genuine vermin and parasites, and the tragedy is that the British cannot, or will not, see this and continue to support them and vote their representatives into government. Well you get what you wish for and you should remember that every time you vote.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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