Tuesday, 30 May 2017

This election may not be as cut and dried as you think

There is something happening in the UK and I am no longer sure of the outcome  of the forthcoming election. When I first commented on Theresa May I met with disbelief and mild ridicule for telling people that she was thick and a quite stupid woman. If you read this blog you will be aware that this has been my position from the first. People are now reporting the same thing. For those of you outwith the UK, in a series of programmes involving Mayhem and her senior ministers, the audience have been actually jeering and heckling them over their obviously absurd claims and outright lies. May is slowly becoming the subject of mockery, particularly with respect to her positions on health, care and the treatment of pensioners, and more and more people are becoming alarmed by her quite stupid attitudes to the EU and the Brexit negotiations which are steering ever closer to disaster. The government now resemble a half-witted blowhard in the playground threatening a group of twenty seven opponents that if they don't do what he/she demands he/she will batter them all at the same time and are being cheered on by all the racists and English nationalists who still think that Britain is important and could win such a battle. The biggest tragedy is that the Tories think this type of tactic will scare the EU into submission, they actually do believe the propaganda that the EU needs Britain more than we need them. I was amused by a cartoon in the Guardian that noted that if you attempt to establish a personality cult, you should at first establish a personality (someone has been reading the Kommirat) because it has become apparent to even the London centric media how shallow and demonstrably thick Mayhem really is. Her true character is being revealed quicker than I anticipated and even the Tory press are having difficulty hiding it. The Guardian led the way in referring to Mayhem as 'the Supreme Leader' a comment on her attempt to personalise the election, but also an open insult, and that is not a good position to be in if you are a Prime Minister seeking re-election in an election you had no need to call in the first place. I am not suggesting that the Tories are going to lose the election, because as you know, I have no particular faith in the quality of the English electorate, but I am beginning to suspect that the result will not be what was expected when the election was first called. I mean we are a year into Brexit now and the Tories have not even begun a negotiating position that must be completed within two years of invoking Article 50. In addition, we are still waiting for any form of Brexit goals or strategy from this car crash of a government.

It is now beyond doubt that the USA has a crisis of leadership and that The Donald is taken seriously by no-one. The same phenomenon is now surfacing in the UK. Bullying and hectoring may work for a time in our own respective nations, but they will not work with real leaders and statespersons of the character of Angela Merkel etc. Both Trump and Mayhem are increasingly being portrayed as upstarts, bullies and empty vessels with neither substance or gravity, and are being marginalised by the rest of the world. The problem with that is that our respective nations will suffer the same opprobrium, and in the case of the UK it will be merited as we now display an open contempt for other nations and cultures, such has been the triumph of the type of English nationalism ruthlessly driven by at first UKIP and the Tory Brexiteers, but now embraced by all Tories, the majority of the British press and the BBC, a nationalism that is quite different from the Scottish type as it is exclusive, openly racist and xenophobic. I must confess to thoroughly enjoying this political carnage. The Bible warns us not to rejoice when our enemies stumble, but it is hard. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 28 May 2017

On your Marx!

I am often asked if I am a Marxist. As you will know if you read this blog I am not any kind of ist. I am asked this because I do not rubbish Marx and often cite him, and of course, in modern Britain if you read Marx and actually say you agree with some of his works, you are a dangerous subversive, a potential terrorist in the same way if you simply happen to be a Muslim. The majority of British people are allergic to anything that is even slightly associated with the name Marx which is a result of persistent propaganda and demonization of a thinker who criticised and condemned the dominant ideological structures that support an exploitative class system. A person by the way, who can rightly be described as a genius. Thus, genius is dismissed because it is associated with a threat to the dominant class system. Most people haven't a clue what Marxism is and simply think that it is communism. Not the communism that Marx advocated, but the communism of the Soviet Union as defined by Lenin and Stalin who transformed a nascent communist state into something else under a fascist type leadership. I am sharing this with you because I had a discussion with someone whom I thought ought to know better and who looked at me in puzzlement when I was discussing free market economics and Westminster pigsty public policy and said "but that's Marxism" when I was speaking about Adam Smith and Alfred Marshall. I was showing how Smith and Marshall argued for raising workers wages and lowering their hours of work, for regulating the financial system to avoid the type of abuses that have brought our system to its knees and how Marshall had argued that "increased prosperity has made us rich and strong enough to impose new restraints on free enterprise; some temporary material loss being submitted to for the sake of a higher and ultimate greater gain".
There is a serious problem in our society when you cannot discuss restraining greed and exploitation and redistributing wealth without people reacting in horror because they are convinced you are advocating a soviet style revolution. It is both an intellectual and ideological problem. It's impossible to understand the modern world if you don't understand Marx. You don't have to agree with him, but you have to at least consider him. You cannot properly understand politics if you don't understand Marx. As a result, Marx is not an option, he is a necessary. If you want to know what is wrong with modern society, contemplate our political elite who would never dream of consulting Marx on anything. Look at the state of our economic and political life and the fact that no-one has any real clue how to solve some of our most pressing problems. Because people not only no longer consult Marx, they don't read or consult Adam Smith or Marshall either. When Marx tells us that classes emerge when the relations of production involve a differentiated division of labour that allows for the accumulation of surplus value by a minority grouping that therefore stands in an exploitative relationship with the mass of society, he is simply telling us the reality of life in a capitalist society. There is nothing 'Marxist' or revolutionary about that he is simply articulating a fact. It is an inconvenient fact for most people however and so they don't want to know that. Marx's description of base and superstructure is so demonstrable it is difficult to believe that anyone would challenge it, and his theory of alienation is genius. If you dismiss such insights, then you are indeed a poor soul, and accepting them does not make you a Marxist or a communist, it demonstrates you have a degree of intelligence.

This brings us back to how I describe our elites as schooled but not educated. It is testimony to the state of British education that none of our highest seats of learning, Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, and the rest of our so-called schools of excellence teach either Smith, Marshall or Marx in their economics courses. That is why I tell you that they are not teaching economics, they are teaching something else. The British elite are well schooled but very poorly educated. Do not be like them. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 


Thursday, 25 May 2017

Some of the reasons why the worst rise to the top!

Idealists and thinkers, make revolutions, hard and ruthless leaders consolidate them. In any venture, whether political or otherwise, once the revolutionary concept has been accepted the ruthless will drive it to a conclusion, and if the idealists seek to modify the direction chosen by the ruthless, challenge the conclusion, or criticise their decisions they will be persecuted, vilified and removed. That has been the characteristic of politics in the United Kingdom since the advent of the Blessed Margaret. If you are not 'one of us' then you are out. Britain at all levels is run by sociopaths and psychopaths, in politics, in business, and particularly in the media, where these inadequates find an outlet in the press and on radio.

The British Party system has become all-controlling with the leaderships exercising strict centralisation over selection of candidates and determination of policy right down through the party to local level. The Scottish Labour Party has just suspended all its councillors in Aberdeen for forming a coalition with the Tories to govern Aberdeen city after no party gained overall control. Now you all know what I think of Tories, but the politicians elected in Aberdeen were elected to make decisions for Aberdeen. I stay over 100 miles from Aberdeen so have no knowledge of the local conditions that prevail that led to Labour making the decision to form a coalition, and neither do the Labour leaders who live and work in Glasgow and Edinburgh. Local elections become meaningless in such a situation if those elected locally are forbidden to make decisions by a centralised bureaucracy.

Both Thatcher and Blair exercised a similar ruthless centralised personal control over their parties suppressing all opposition to their leadership and driving people out of the party whilst denying them any influence. A central characteristic of modern politics in Britain is that there are no opponents any more, there are only enemies. Both Thatcher and Blair only recognised enemies within their parties, and enemies have to be destroyed and removed. The concept of opposition is no longer deemed legitimate. As a result, both Labour and the Tories were intellectually cleansed, with any talent that existed being culled and suppressed. Thus when both Thatcher and Blair finally left office, there was no one of any talent and stature to replace them, all that was left were the groupies, the fawning snivelling sycophants, the grovellers, the intellectual inadequates. I honestly ask, what other modern and supposedly intelligent political system would consider David Cameron or Theresa May to be left to make the tea, never mind run the country? To give you an accurate assessment of the realistic state of British politics and British political leadership I simply have to say, Boris the Spider. That tells you all you want to know about the appalling predicament we are in.

In Scotland we have the spectacle of the Tories being led by the atrocious Ruth Davidson, Rape Clause Ruth as she will be known as in this blog. If you ever witness Rape Clause Ruth discussing the SNP, you will witness pure hatred. She is lauded by our press as having a form of political talent, but in reality she has no substance, she is a walking soundbite who simply mouths repetitive slogans, a real no-talent disaster. She is a good example of how the worst can rise to the top. Her alter-ego is of course Kezia, the Scottish Labour leader. She is different and is probably quite a nice person, but is hopelessly inadequate, a barely competent, parachuted into the leadership of a party that is devoid of talent, direction and any form of intellectual ability. These are the real legacies of Thatcher and Blair. The worst rise to the top because they are the worst, prepared to say anything, take any course of action, that will enhance their influence and power. They have no ethical centre, they are amoral, but most importantly they have no shame, no self-respect, those qualities that cause a person with a modicum of decency and dignity to pause and consider. In modern society, and this includes the USA, we have a fundamental problem, the paradox of tolerance. How much tolerance must we continue to show towards the intolerant? This is the same problem I discussed yesterday towards free speech, how much free speech must we continue to support towards the enemies of free speech? We must finally move against the worst, stand up to them and tell them - no more. Our freedom is going to depend on it. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Free Speech? Enough is Enough

I have written before about freedom, which, like everything else in human society must not be regarded as an absolute. In a free democratic society we believe in freedom of speech and often quote Evelyn Beatrice Hall's famous dictum ‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,’ but as with all human behaviour this must be subject to qualification. The right in Britain, under the guise of free speech and led by the obscenity that calls itself the Daily Mail, has systematically utilised their freedom to demonise and castigate whole sections of our population to the point that they are now suffering open persecution, discrimination and physical violence. As I have reported before, there was a rise in racially motivated crimes in this country of 41% following the EU Referendum, principally due to the language of the Mail, Express, the Sun and scum like Farage, Kelvin McKenzie, the aforesaid Hopkins and the leading Brexiteers in the Tory Party. The Kommirat says enough is enough.

We had the situation in the UK today in the wake of the bombing of the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester where the right wing commentator Katie Hopkins tweeted that the time had come for a Final Solution to the perceived problems of the UK's Muslim population. The Daily Telegraph's political commentator Allison Pearson also tweeted that the UK must institute a State of Emergency like the French claiming that we need the internment of thousands of terror suspects now to protect our children. Hopkins is a particularly loathsome individual who was investigated by the police for writing that the refugees from the Middle Eastern crisis were cockroaches and should be met with gunboats as opposed to lifeboats. Last month the Sun newspaper finally sacked Kelvin McKenzie for likening a mixed race Everton football player to a gorilla. This is the man who said on television that
“I think the fake news headline that would give this country the most joy would be: Jeremy Corbyn knifed to death by an asylum seeker,” and the man who was responsible for the lies and smears aimed at Liverpool football club and its supporters following the Hillsborough disaster. As a result of this man's actions it took 27 years before the truth about Hillsborough was finally established.

What is important here is that this is corporate abuse of freedom and it is being encouraged by a government who refuses to condemn it or seek to regulate it. These are individuals, yes, tweeting in their own time, yes, but they are utilising their corporate positions in society to spread their poison throughout the nation and beyond in order to mould public opinion and unleash consequences on people they hate. Hopkins is here openly advocating an ethnic cleansing policy for Muslims in the UK, Pearson is calling for concentration camps, and McKenzie is attempting to provoke a physical attack on the leader of the Labour Party barely a year after a Labour MP was shot to death by a right-wing white fanatic, and this is all being underwritten by national corporations who approve of what these people are writing, because they are both printing what these creatures write and paying them handsome salaries. I mean this is Britain, it is unthinkable, but is not only being thought but publicised. It matters not that these people are tweeting this filth, they get away with it because they know they will be protected. If I had said anything like that to my students when I was lecturing I would have been sacked on the spot, and rightly so. This is the language of the Third Reich, and I am not exaggerating. This was the language used by the Nazi Party and the Nazi press. I should not have to remind you that the Holocaust was the outcome of a policy paper produced at the Wansee Conference entitled The Final Solution to the Jewish Problem and that the Nazi press frequently referred to Jews as cockroaches. I have been writing since the start of this blog that Britain is descending into a right-wing authoritarian society and that such language is not an accident. It is quite deliberate, designed to influence public opinion, and written and published by the supporters of the Tory government. It is ironic that my last post was entitled why do the worst always come to the top? I never really actually said why, perhaps I should because in Britain, at all levels of society, in politics, in business, in finance, in the press and mass media, the worst are at the top and systematically destroying my country as a civilised society. Enough is enough, all that requires for evil to prosper is for good men to say nothing. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 19 May 2017

Why do the worst always rise to the top?

I haven't posted recently because I have been watching events closely here and in the USA. I may be a bit premature, but it would appear that The Donald's days are numbered. He is the modern right wing politician personified and gives us a graphic insight into what the rest of them are really like as he is quite mad and unconcerned by the furore he is causing until he is confronted with consequences that impact on his ego, which is of course the driving force of his whole being. Trump is a glorified version of Theresa May. Arrogant to the point of insufferability, completely indifferent to anyone else, their opinion, their plight, their suffering or their sensibilities. Both are pathological liars, indeed Trump has a claim to be the most breathtaking liar in political history as he is quite blatant about it. May, being a British elitist, bred in that particular form characterised by an elite English education, is much more cautious, whilst still being as outrageous a liar as Trump. But what they both have most in common is their stupidity. The British and Americans are, at this point in history, cursed with leaders who are both as thick as mince. The difference is that The Donald has not one ounce of common sense, whilst Mayhem has a dangerous cunning. I believe she is quite aware of her limitations and that this is the cause of the direction of the Tories election campaign.

The British election is being run by soundbite, by endlessly repeated slogans bereft of any policy, all extolling the virtues that May claims as her own. I told you earlier how the Conservative Party is being sidelined in the promotion of Mayhem as the great leader, solid, strong and capable. This is getting more obvious as the campaign progresses. She refuses to debate with other parties in public because she is fully aware that her intellect and general ignorance will be exposed in public debate and the one person May is terrified of meeting in public debate is Nicola Sturgeon under whose skilled interrogation her callousness and cruelty will become apparent. May is dangerously authoritarian and, in my opinion, much the most right-wing political leader we have had in my lifetime, even worse than the Blessed Margaret.

May is establishing a dominance in the Tory Party that she hopes will allow her to replicate that dominance over the whole nation. I think she's been reading the Kommirat as I had to smile when she announced that the Tories no longer believe in "untrammeled free markets" or the "cult of selfish individualism." If you believe that you will truly believe anything. This is the party that has unceasingly propagandised selfishness, greed and aggressive individualism for the past forty years. This is also an example of the Tories capacity for utter shamelessness and how they have not one iota of dignity or self-respect as they have been denying that they ever promoted such concepts for those same forty years. This is the party of Gove, Boris the Spider, Iain Duncan Eichmann and the rest of the most loathsome individuals imaginable. Remember, it was Mayhem herself who christened the Tories the nasty party and who is now the nastiest of the nasty. But like every other sociopath, she wants to be liked. That is another character trait she shares with the Donald. You can say what you like about psychopaths, but you will never accuse them of inconsistency. I remind you again how John Stuart Mill told us that whilst not all conservatives are stupid people, most stupid people are conservative.

I myself am suffering from a deep sense of shame because Scotland is witnessing a resurgence of support for the Tories. This is as a result of the continuing collapse of Labour, as the unionist vote, that is, those people who wish to preserve the United Kingdom and who oppose Scottish Independence are turning to the Tories as Labour is now seen as a wasted vote. I am losing faith in the innate intelligence of the Scottish electorate, because, as you will by now be familiar, I truly consider that no-one of any intelligence or decency votes Tory. Even more urgently, if you are following the Brexit saga, you will be aware that the outcome for Britain is becoming more and more perilous as the Europeans see through Mayhem and are becoming more and more resistant to her hectoring and bullying. They at least understand they are dealing with a stupid person who is determined to get her own way because she is English and therefore better than them. Britain is therefore facing a Brexit catastrophe. I still trust that the Scots will distance themselves from this looming disaster, but I am not as confident as I used to be. I will keep you posted, and keep reminding you that you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 12 May 2017

The right are deliberately destroying humanity

I had the privilege of watching an interview on television yesterday with the American philosopher Noam Chomsky during which he told us that the American Republican Party is the most dangerous organisation in human history. In a previous interview he also said that the Republicans are “overwhelmingly” committed to destroying human life on earth. This is a bold statement but on reflection you have to agree with it. No-one with a shred of intelligence can seriously deny the fact of climate change and so you can only conclude that these people are deliberately hastening the end of humanity for the sole purpose of enriching themselves while they can. They are not alone, because all free market right-wingers are of the same mindset, we are cursed with them in this country as well. What is significant about such people is that they have gone far beyond the bounds of selfishness and exhibit a human characteristic that we do not have an adequate description of. They fail to display one iota of concern for anyone else, including their own families, their children and grandchildren. When Aneurin Bevan described such people as lower than vermin he was not exaggerating, because you cannot attribute insanity to such people as what they are doing is quite deliberate, they know what they are doing and are acting with calculated deliberation. As the economist JK Galbraith told us "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

To give another example, all human experience, everyday observation, the daily facts of life, must bring anyone exercising even the minutest scintilla of rationality to instantly understand the utter stupidity of Thatcher's claim that there is no such thing as society, and yet the British people, not only enthusiastically supported her, but continue to support the people who inherited her legacy and continue to peddle such utter drivel. The majority of American voters support such people and the same is true in the UK. Many years ago I wrote an extended essay on Thatcher's claim that there is no such thing as society but have never made it public. If anyone would like a copy I would be happy to provide one, indeed I may revisit it and update it.

Further to what Chomsky told us, I have been watching a lot of US news TV this week following the Comey scandal. What I do not understand is why prominent US commentators do not just come out and admit that their President is insane. American government is becoming a global joke and a figure of ridicule. What is just as bad as the antics of the White House are the antics of the Republican Party to try and defend the indefensible. So, even if the Republicans were not a threat to human life, they are most definitely a serious threat to democracy and the integrity of the political system. I trust I am not interpreted as being unfairly critical of America because if you read this blog you will be aware that I find the negative elements within the American system as nothing beside the damage inflicted daily by the pigsty on its own people and the British system. If Britain had a fraction of the investigative journalism I admire in the Americans, instead of the grovelling subservience of the British media we would be a much healthier politics. What is worrying is that it is reported that Trump demanded that Comey pledge his loyalty. Even I know that the head of the FBI is supposed to be loyal to the Constitution, not the President. In this mess of a nation, we have the Prime Minister asking the electorate to vote, not for the Conservative Party, but for her. In both nations we have the emergence of what a nation in the not too distant past, called the Fuhrerprinzip. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat    

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Britain's most cherished value? Hate thy neighbour!

I am still of the conviction that social class is the defining characteristic of western society, but particularly Britain. However, what the ruling elites have cleverly manipulated is how our class divisions have been deflected onto issues of identity. As you all know, the elite are very clever at providing us with scapegoats, the mythological demons who are going to destroy our societies by stealth, Muslims, immigrants, and 'others' poisoning us with their cultural differences and eroding our so-called values and our way of life. It matters not to citizens of the UK and the US etc. that most of the problems we are seeing are the result of what we have done to the dreaded others in the first instance. We are the global elite, the British and Americans etc. we are white, superior, and our values, customs and norms are self-evidently superior to theirs and so we have a right to colonise, both physically, culturally and ethically. We are doing them a favour and raising them up to see a future in our own image. It is right for us to adopt and integrate their diet, their rice, spices, fruit and oils, and all the other dietary and culinary delights that 'third-world' states can provide us with. It is quite something else to accept their people, particularly those who stubbornly and stupidly hold to their own norms and values.

It is not the foreigner, the other, who is threatening us, it is our own people. The right have been very successfully utilising their wealth and their manipulative techniques to install a dominance that threatens the stability and  well-being of our people. I have been warning you from the start of this blog that for the past hundred years we have been falsely brainwashed that the threats of a totalitarian system come from the state when in reality they are emanating from the market, the system that we have been persistently assured will safeguard our freedom. Again I warn you, free marketeers demand total freedom and will not accept any constraints on their activities. All social and political constraints must be imposed on those who seek to constrain free market exploitation and the ability to loot the national treasury. Bankers and financiers freedoms must be total and trade union and worker's constraints must be rigidly imposed. As a result, the free marketeers within government must impose increasingly tight constraints and austerity on the rest of society in order that they satisfy the insatiable demands of their masters and financial backers. Simples! Why do you think they seek to dismantle the health care systems in both Britain and the USA? Because it requires a diversion of money from the top to the bottom and that is a cardinal sin in the neoliberal right wing universe. Do they really want people to die of hunger and illness when the means are at their disposal to prevent it? of course they do if it means that they have to forgo one penny of their billions. The tragedy is that no-one in our respective nations will accept what is demonstrably obvious. They prefer to believe the lie of the other, of the immigrant, of the mythical social security scrounger. Why? I showed you a couple of posts ago, Adam Smith told you why. What people refuse to accept is that Smith and Marx can agree on many things, the rapacity and greed of the elite is one of them, and the
fawning subservience of the mass of the people is another.

All statistics demonstrate that in the UK since the Brexit vote, the top one percent have increased their fortunes by 14% whilst the rest of us have witnessed our incomes fall. Last week the British people voted to reward the party responsible for their increasing poverty and the obscene inequality that they have created. They are literally turkeys voting for Christmas. In the same week the American Congress voted to condemn large sections of their own population to die of illness and disease if they cannot afford expensive health treatment because in a complete inversion of the principle of the Good Samaritan, they insisted that everyone should pass by on the other side and allow the injured to die without any assistance. Both the UK and the US insists that they are Christian nations, what a joke, or perhaps its not a joke, perhaps that is the real essence of Christianity. We certainly can no longer pretend to be civilised. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 


Tuesday, 2 May 2017

The Nazis were not alone in viewing other people as subhuman

I ask you to consider the following as testament to what I was writing yesterday and how EU negotiators were taken aback when they finally got to see the Tories in the cold light of day.
A stranger to human nature, who saw the indifference of men about the misery of their inferiors, and the regret and indignation which they feel for the misfortunes and sufferings of those above them, would be apt to imagine, that pain must be more agonising, and the convulsions of death more terrible to persons of higher rank, than to those of meaner stations.....Upon this disposition of mankind, to go along with all the passions of the rich and powerful, is founded the distinctions of ranks, and the order of society….Even when the order of society seems to require that we should oppose them, we can hardly bring ourselves to do it. That kings are the servant of the people, to be obeyed, resisted, opposed or punished, as the public conveniency may require, is the doctrine of reason and philosophy; but it is not the doctrine of Nature......the great never look upon their inferiors as their fellow-creatures........This disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition, though necessary both to establish and to maintain the distinction of ranks and the order of society, is, at the same time, the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments. That wealth and greatness are often regarded with the respect and admiration which are due only to wisdom and virtue; and that the contempt, of which vice and folly are the only proper objects, is often most unjustly bestowed upon poverty and weakness, has been the complaint of moralists in all ages......We frequently see the respectful attentions of the world more strongly directed towards the rich and great, than towards the wise and virtuous. We see frequently the vices and follies of the powerful much less despised than the poverty and weakness of the innocent.

I apologise for such a lengthy quote but those are the words of Adam Smith, the person usually reviled by so-called progressives as a bourgeois apologist. I repeat his words because he perfectly sums up the grovelling attitude of the British towards the elite whom they spuriously believe are better than them despite all the evidence to the contrary, that the British elite are quite despicable and normally quite stupid people. What distinguishes them is that they are born and bred with a sense of entitlement that is reinforced by the fawning subservience of the general public, an approach that Smith tells us is the general cause of our moral and collective corruption as a people. As I have said before, such attitudes spring from being brainwashed from birth about our Royal Family and all of their aristocratic mates. To be fair though, such attitudes are not confined to the British, we are just worse than other people. The Americans elected the Donald on the strength of his wealth and his apparent success in business. Therefore, they conclude that he must know what he is doing. But it doesn't end there, they also make the leap to granting him intelligence, which is why people have difficulty when I tell you how thick Mayhem is. I remind you of the response I got recently - "But she's the Prime Minister of Great Britain" an incredulous gentleman told me. The implication is that she is therefore by definition, intelligent and knows what she is doing. People are genuinely as shallow and as gullible as that.

If you doubt Smith's observations, just recall the pigsty's attitudes towards refugees and the plight of the people in this country who have to use foodbanks, or the disabled etc. They are devoid of any form of compassion because as Smith tells us they never look on their inferiors as fellow-creatures, we at the bottom of the pile are something else, not quite human, untermenschen as a jolly group of our superiors once labelled us. Mayhem was interviewed on TV and was at a loss to explain why so many of the nursing staff in the NHS use foodbanks, she tried to assert that there were 'many complex reasons' why that might be the case, avoiding of course the obvious, that they are so badly paid. You see to the geniuses in the pigsty, nurses are little people who don't matter. The chairman of HSBC, who have been shown to be a criminal organisation, deserves his recent £8 million salary because he is important. A nurse is not important. Can you imagine being paid £8 million every year? As I've spoken of here before, Adam Smith told us how Oxford University was a complete waste of time and David Hume asked Cambridge for his money back after only six months. As is graphically demonstrated by the British elite, nothing has changed in the intervening 300 years. I am quite sure that you can obtain an Oxbridge degree with a Tesco loyalty card.

 I am therefore getting more animated by the looming disaster of Brexit. I feel sure that the pigsty bullies will meet their match and it will all end in tears. I can't wait! You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 1 May 2017

The British are delusional according to those they are negotiating with. But you heard it here first.

I apologise for not posting for nearly a week, but I was off jaunting again, and unfortunately watching the team I support in England being relegated. One goal would have saved them, one goal but it was not to be. Still you don't get relegated in one game, that's the result of a poor season. Nonetheless I will be back next season in a lower division but hopeful that they will recover. That's life. Which leads me on to the topic I am discussing because that's where Britain is going, a lower division, a lower status and a lower standard of living, and the reasons are exactly the same as for a football team, a poor team, poor management and a crisis of morale. The difference however is that Britain will not recover and will need to accept the fact that they are destined to continue their existence as a non-league team. In addition, my team are under no illusions as to why they have been relegated whilst the British government and the bulk of its racist and xenophobic supporters actually believe they are winning. This is hubris on an Olympian scale.

You will all be familiar with what I am posting as I am sure you have all read the astonishment that overwhelmed the EU negotiators at their Downing Street dinner with Mayhem. I write this to reinforce what I have been telling you about May and her atrocious government in order that you are not deceived by the Downing Street lie machine. Things have to be bad when you get seasoned diplomats telling you that the British government are delusional, arrogant and living in a different galaxy, all reported in the European press. I warned you Mayhem was thick, a genuinely stupid woman. Its amazing how people see those who attended the British elite education system and are the products of the Oxbridge system and just assume that they are both intelligent and educated. Just look at Boris the Spider, a demonstrable halfwit. Class gets people like that where they are, it has absolutely nothing to do with ability. As I persistently warn you, Brexit is going to be a disaster, but now threatens to be an even bigger disaster than I anticipated given the Tory government's attitude and approach. It takes a particular skill that can only be learned in the British elite education system to systematically alienate so many people in such a short time. As the President of the EU told the British Prime Minister as he left: “I’m leaving Downing Street 10 times more sceptical than I was before.” This is the mark of genius, an arrogant stupidity that is the characteristic of the British ruling class and breathtaking in its sheer scale, and the negotiations on Brexit have not even begun. This was just a warm-up. What I have been telling you all this time is being graphically illustrated on the world's stage. The EU team have already concluded that the chances of Brexit talks failing were now “over 50%”. Another distinguishing feature of British elite arrogance is their demand that all negotiations must remain secret. A bewildered EU response was that the nations of the EU are democracies and therefore obliged to report to their respective parliaments on all developments. The so-called democratic British take exactly the opposite view, why on earth should the British elite consider themselves bound to be accountable to the rabble that is the British people? Do you wonder why the Scots are increasingly demanding independence from this ghastly crew? I was heartened by the report that the EU negotiators reminded Mayhem that the EU was a legal construction and not a golf club. Tories genuinely believe that rules are for the little people and that is how they govern.

It was reported that the EU team left Downing Street in a state of shock, lamenting the lack of knowledge or understanding in Downing Street about the Brexit policy of the EU27 governments. This is an administration that is tasked with conducting the most important negotiations in British post-war history and they haven't even bothered to do any homework. They are really as arrogant as that and contemptuous of all foreigners; they have their agenda and everyone else must recognise it and fall into line, because they are British and are born to dominate the world. I have always been a fan of both Gilbert and Sullivan and PG Wodehouse who made their careers out of lampooning the British upper class, and they did it as insiders who knew what they were talking about. I may start referring to the pigsty as Blandings, although that would be an insult to Wodehouse's memory because even The Empress is brighter than a Tory. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat