Sunday 18 March 2018

Brexit may yet produce a British Putin

As I have written here before, democratic government is founded on trust. This is particularly important in the British context as we operate by an unwritten constitution, and therefore must rely on our political class and the legal system at all levels to honour and uphold the law and the traditional normative order of rules and regulations, and importantly, traditional custom and practice, the bedrock of the normative order. In both the UK and the USA the behaviour of the political class has destroyed that trust. Our political class are the most outrageous and prolific liars imaginable and they do so with a certain pride and braggadocio in the full knowledge that we know they are lying but that they know they can get away with it. But it extends far beyond the political class, it is a British disease produced by the poison of the free market. There was a time when banking, the law etc. were honourable professions with those who followed such professions being regarded as role models and trustworthy. No longer. I cannot speak for the US but in Britain I know of no-one in my circle of acquaintances that trust any of such people. As you will be aware, our police, legal authorities and politicians have been exposed as conducting the most heinous campaigns against groups in this nation over many years, with the police and authorities indulging in criminal behaviour and the politicians covering it up because the authorities were acting in the interests of the ruling elite. This is another of the poisonous legacies of the Blessed Margaret whose terms of office were cancerous and malignant. She was responsible for the real beginnings of the decay of the British state and the destruction of the traditional verities of British political and social life. This has produced a legacy where the British public are alienated from all forms of authority, in the sense that they have no trust in them nor respect for their authority. Why, because they refuse to be bound by common decency and the laws, norms and values that they not only expect, but demand, from everyone else. The behaviour of the Leave campaign during the Brexit referendum has destroyed any trust that may have lingered in our system for the foreseeable future. This form of distrust and suspicion was deeply embedded in the British public over the lies and machinations of Mad Tony and Daphne Broon, but the Tories have taken it to new heights. What Americans are supposed to make of their government I can only guess. We have the spectacle of the past Director of the CIA, John Brennan, telling the 45 that

"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history."

Here is one of America's foremost personages openly telling the President of the United States that he is base and depraved and openly corrupt and for sale to the highest bidder. That is unthinkable, but the most tragic part of it is that it is true. What American can ever have dreamt of hearing such language used against their head of state? What American can ever have dreamt that it would have had to be said at all? At the same time we have the Russians openly rebuking the British government for its language. Regardless of guilt or otherwise, the language employed by British Tory governmental politicians is unacceptable on a world stage and offends against all traditional norms of international communications. The Russians are right to be offended, and, I hope you will agree, betrays a genius on behalf of the British to make Putin look like the victim. It is to the Russians credit that they have refused to adopt such uncivilised language in retaliation. I ask you to ponder the stupidity of Boris the Spider. He went on national television to tell us that it is 'overwhelmingly likely' that Putin sanctioned the Salisbury poisoning. Now you know how I bridle at this cretin being described as intelligent. This is the product of Eton and Oxford. Would I be amiss in my understanding of the English language to argue that if something is described as overwhelming then that would negate it being described as likely? How can something be overwhelmingly likely? Surely if something is overwhelmingly likely then it must be correct, a fact, and therefore no longer likely? I await enlightenment. I mean anyone with a scintilla of intelligence would never make such a statement, and yet I have yet to hear of anyone taking him to task for this, so I am probably mistaken. My point is that our ruling elites have not only debased our politics, but our normative order and our language.

Lack of trust in, and contempt for, the political class has become the new norm, but is a norm under which we have no security nor point of reference. Human beings need security and a sense of certainty in order to live a peaceable and anxiety free life. We need to know that if we approach a policeperson for directions he/she is not going to punch us in the face for example. We need to trust the authorities. A lack of such trust, the absence of meaningful and predictable norms and values produces what we call anomie, a condition of normlessness and an inability to make sense of our environment, our milieu, and such conditions are the seedbed of fascism, of the demands for strong authoritarians to restore security, confidence, honour and dignity. Vladimir Putin is the beneficiary of just such similar circumstances in Russia after the chaos of the fall of the Soviet Union. Brexiteers beware, and always remember, history is normally the study of the unintended consequences of intentional action. Your desire for control and national aggrandisement is unleashing a chaos that may produce a British Putin and your deployment of language is a condition of a chaos you are creating whether you mean to do so or not. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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