Tuesday 19 December 2017

Brexit - Welcome to the Dark Side

I trust you will indulge me with this post as I am going to quote from an article from today's Guardian that reinforces what I have been telling you for many months, if not years. As I am Scottish I could be accused of bias, or even racism, if I were to write about the particular form of Englishness, that ugly and quasi fascist nationalism that is driving our politics and the Brexit process, but I will leave that to David Marquand, principal of Mansfield College Oxford. His article is entitled, "Britain's problem is not with Europe, but with England,"

In his article, Professor Marquand forcibly points out that the Leave majority was an England majority and that the political debate in today's Britain operates "in the goldfish bowl of an overwhelmingly English Europhobic press, driven by social media, which combine to leave a divided government lurching from one approach to the EU negotiations to another...But changes in the government’s mood music don’t affect the brutal reality: that the UK is set to leave the European Union because an English majority has voted to do so, ignoring the opinions of two of the UK’s four nations.....The great question is, why? Partly it’s that for centuries, myths, memories and rhetoric have transmitted a vision of Englishness of extraordinary power...It is a profoundly reactionary vision, but emotionally powerful. It conveys the message that England is a special, exemplary, even providential nation, set apart from others".

In other words, as I persistently remind you, this toxic mentality believes that English people are racially superior to all other races and ethnic groups in the world. This is the persistent message of the Mail and the Express who are now being unfortunately joined by the Telegraph. The other great debate in our press this week is the outcome of the poisonous propaganda from the Mail and the Daily Telegraph against those Conservatives MP's who voted against the government last week compelling it to hold a vote on the final Brexit deal in Parliament before any deal is ratified. Imagine that, the government forced a three line whip on the Tory Party to prevent the elected British Parliament getting a vote on the final conclusions of the most important decision it has been involved in since the Second World War. And we have the cheek to call ourselves a democracy! Britain is nothing less that an elected dictatorship. In the wake of this vote, those MP's who voted against the government line have been subject to a massive assault of threats and intimidation with people openly calling for them to be hanged or suffer other forms of execution. The Brexiteers in parliament have been demanding that they be deselected, despite the fact that our press have been highlighting how most of such Brexiteers have rebelled against their own government literally dozens of times themselves. The Mail and the Telegraph have called them traitors and treasonous, this is the level that the British press have sunk to. Several of the Tories under attack have sent dossiers of the threats and abuse to the police and have asked for an inquiry into the conduct of both the Mail and the Telegraph.

I personally think that this level of hysteria being generated by the detritus of British politics and social life is because they now see that there is a real chance that Brexit might not happen. All opinion polls this month have shown that there is now a majority of British people who believe that Brexit has been a huge mistake and want a second referendum. The polls indicate that 51% now want to stay in the EU and that the figures are continuing to rise. The people now increasingly realise that we were sold a lie by a bunch of criminal opportunists and that they were conned. This is exacerbated by the fact that it was only this week that the government met to actually ask the question, what do we want from the Brexit process? Surprise, surprise, they couldn't agree and so eighteen months after they won the referendum, they are not one step forward towards their goal, because the only goal they have ever had was leaving the EU, regardless of the consequences. Perhaps people will now start to believe me when I tell you that they really are that incompetent.

I have been telling you for years now about the racism and exceptionalism that drove the demand to leave the EU and the underlying fascist tendencies of the Tories and their supporting press. This is now obvious in the chilling language and threats against their own party members. Another warning I have persistently given you over the years is the Tory plan to remove all workers rights, and this was shown to be accurate this week when the leading Brexiteers, particularly Gove and the Spider, called for Britain to scrap all the provisions of the Working Time Directive. Mayhem was specifically asked if she was prepared to guarantee workers rights after Brexit and she refused to answer. Thus, the Tories will not guarantee either the rights of EU nationals living in Britain, nor any form of workers rights. Again I remind you, they are not just any kind of nationalists, they are neoliberal free market nationalists. They are sinister and belong to the Dark Side. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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