Tuesday 13 September 2016

No wonder politicians are despised.

I have come to the preliminary conclusion that the new British Prime Minister Theresa May is a bit of a thicko and is already proving to be quite incompetent. She is another example of well schooled but not particularly well educated. Today the global charity Oxfam published a survey that highlights how the richest 1% of the British population, some 634,000 people, are now worth 20 times as much as the poorest fifth, some 13 million. This means that Britain is the most unequal country in the developed world. Since 1979 and Thatcher's success at the polls, successive governments, all committed to free market economics, have systematically destroyed a wealthy, cohesive and liberal society to produce inequality that is simply obscene, the destruction of the entire manufacturing base of the nation, the reduction of the British police to one of the most criminal organisations in the west, guilty of two of the most outrageous miscarriages of justice in British history, the destruction of a productive economy with Britain consistently dogged by a level of productivity that can only be described as abysmal, a low paid and even lower skilled workforce, a housing sector that is in permanent crisis, a public sector that has been decimated and is the victim of a systematic war against it from the pigsty, and the inevitable meltdown of the NHS. What was Prime Minister May's first policy decision in the face of all this crisis that she faces? She has announced that she is going to reintroduce grammar schools, which is a form of elite selection of school pupils at age eleven, that has been responsible for some of the worst aspects of the obscene inequalities that we suffer from in this increasingly loathsome nation. That gives us all the insight we need into the character and priorities that this new government represents. It is ideological insanity from the worst form of class warriors, and exposes their continuous and continuing hatred of ordinary working people. As the Bible tells us, By their fruits shall ye know them.

As an example of the honesty, the dignity and self-respect of the British politician we need look no further than the last Prime Minister. The Camoron promised us that if he lost the EU referendum he would 'stick around' to ensure that the British got the best deal possible from Europe; he resigned within six hours of the result being finalised. He then told us that he loved being the MP for his constituency of Witney and would continue in the job he loved as long as the people of Witney wanted him, he has resigned as an MP just two months after telling us that. His was the responsibility of the disaster of the EU referendum and he is ultimately responsible for the surge in hate crimes against foreign people in England since the referendum, as he unleashed and did nothing to counter, the hatred of foreigners and the extreme xenophobia of Nigel Farage, Boris the Spider and their crew of vile semi-fascists.

I told you in a recent post that civilisation is a fragile thing and I fear that both Britain and the United States are becoming increasingly uncivilised. I repeat without apology that this is a result of their adherence to an uncivilised ideological system of free market neoliberalism. All civilised activity, and this includes economic activity, must be founded on law and justice. Our political economy on both sides of the Atlantic are about as unlawful and unjust as they can be. There is no, nor can be, any form of morality or justification to be found in any system that not only allows, but encourages, the gross abuse of division and inequality, not only in terms of wealth, but in terms of inclusion that we find in either Britain or the USA. Again I repeat, that both these societies spend as much effort excluding large amounts of their own populations from meaningful participation in the society as they spend on any other activity. I am afraid that Britain will have to suffer a serious breakdown in economic, social and political terms before it filters through that the system is corrupt beyond repair. Until then we will continue to elect people like Theresa May and Boris the Spider. I can only hope that the Scots have the intelligence to waken up to the coming shambles and grab their liberation before its too late. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

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