Wednesday 30 March 2016

I was unaware that driving people to commit suicide was a Christian value

I have spent the Easter weekend searching the Bible for the passages that instruct us how to persecute the disabled and reduce their income in order that we can grant even greater benefits and increased wealth for the richest people in our society. I have not come across any yet, but I am sure they must be there given that our noble Prime Minister has been encouraging us to remember that we are a Christian country and that we must be guided by our Christian values during this time of Christian festival. Taking the sage advice of this self-confessed Christian gentleman, I have been searching (so far fruitlessly) for those passages that instruct us how to so impoverish the poor and vulnerable that they are driven to commit suicide out of the despair of daily living without any form of income. I am of course working on the assumption that the public policies promoted by this same gentleman are a reflection of his Christian values. At the moment I am quite confused because what I am led to understand from my reading of the Christian handbook does not appear to support the Prime Minister's views. However, I am supremely confident that I will find enlightenment because the Camoron would not tell me one thing and then proceed to do the exact opposite would he? After all, he is an English gentleman, a Christian, and a member of the British aristocracy.

As disabled people are openly discriminated against and cannot find meaningful employment opportunities in Christian Britain, they are largely dependent on social security benefits (which of course are an instrument of the Devil designed to undermine the noble Christian values of hard work and individual responsibility). As a result, to the majority of the British people they are welfare scroungers who deserve to be demonised and therefore a perfectly legitimate target for scorn, hatred and the justified reduction in their benefits since they obviously don't deserve them in the first place, which of course must also be a reflection of our Christian values which are, of course, all targeted towards that world famous British class of people "the hard-working taxpayer." You see, one of the things I have always understood about the teachings of Jesus Christ is how He warns us not to judge people by what they say, but by what they do. "By their fruits shall ye know them" or words to that effect. That was His response when his followers complained to Him that all sorts of people were claiming to be Christians and they didn't know how to tell the goodies from the baddies. So, how should we judge our good Christian Prime Minister and the rest of our God fearing Christian "hard-working taxpayers"? Well, by their fruits of course! So, since he is claiming to be an authority on Christianity, I feel we should look to the example he sets in promoting his own values. As a result, I feel that if we all want to go to heaven we had better develop an all-consuming contempt for, and hatred of, the poor and disadvantaged, but especially the disabled, as they are the principal targets of this man's hatred. We must also find a plentiful reservoir of hatred and contempt for immigrants and refugees. By the same token we must develop, not only a love for, but a worship of, the rich, as that is what it means to be a modern British Christian. The rich deserve our undying love and gratitude and the poor deserve our undying contempt and hatred, and, in the timeless words of the Westminster pigsty, that is 'the right thing to do.'

I have commented before that one of the principal Christian characteristics it has been my experience to witness is their capacity for hate. If there is one common denominator amongst all religious people it is their hatred. Whilst they all claim that their fundamental message is one of love, what they love most is to hate. Few people have the capacity for hate that religious people exhibit, and, whilst other religions may hate with an intensity that is equal to the Christian, there are none better. However, to be fair to the Christian, whilst he/she is condemning you to hell fire and damnation, they are doing it in the spirit that it is for your own good, and that is another of their admirable characteristics, they know what is good for you better than you do yourself. That is why most Christians are Tories. They are the natural masters and shepherds of the lower orders and the spiritually barren. So, I am afraid I will have to reject the Prime Minister's exhortation to display any Christian values, because, in my opinion the values displayed by this person and his cohorts fill me with disgust and appal me, as I am sure you are now familiar with. If the Camoron and his fellow Tories are genuine representatives of British and/or Christian values then I have no wish to be described as either British or Christian. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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