Monday 14 December 2015

Coming soon, the Tory one party state

I have written before about the totalitarian impulses within the British Conservative Party, and have warned you that they are genuinely dangerous. The modern Conservative Party are profoundly undemocratic and are pursuing a programme by which they hope to establish a one-party state in Britain in the sense that they will neutralise all opposition to the extent that they will establish a monopoly of control in England and Wales. Having achieved that they will happily see Scotland go independent, although that would not be necessary as their control of England and Wales will render the Scottish vote impotent. Now even the dim-witted forelock tugging British press are waking up to these developments. For example, Britain has the most draconian employment laws in the civilised world, but that is not enough for the Tories who, because of their hatred and loathing of ordinary working people, are going to attack the unions even further with their proposed Trades Union Bill. It is getting so bad that even the bible of the financial class in the UK, The Financial Times, stated that the bill was 'out of proportion' and that it would  'threaten basic rights of assembly and free expression'. There are many signs that such a programme is alive and kicking and if anyone is interested I will be glad to highlight them for you, but it would make this post too long to do it here. All I can do is trace the fundamentals.

Since the election of Margaret Thatcher, the Conservatives have pursued a neoliberal political and economic programme founded on the myth of the free market. This free market neoliberal programme is founded on the myth that any form of regulation is the negation of freedom and that regulation is necessarily the equivalent of socialism. Freedom, both in economic and political terms  therefore necessitates the deregulation of society and the removal of  all constraints on economic and political activity by free marketeers. This of course is the negation of true freedom, which I understand looks to be a strange statement at first glance. However, the argument for deregulation is, in reality, the big lie that they promote to justify their attempts to loot as much of the national treasury as possible. In economic terms this means removing all constraints on the ability of free market activity to pursue an untrammelled accumulation of wealth and power. So, in economic terms, it was deemed necessary to remove all constraints on economic activity and in political terms to remove all constraints on the centralisation of power within the elite echelons of the Conservative Party. In the context of the UK, this meant, in the first instance an assault on local councils and trades unions to neuter both their power and their influence. Thatcher achieved this with ease.

All this talk about freedom, individual liberty and the natural workings of the market is simply garbage, a lie, and the underlying justification for the attacks on unions, the poor, the disabled, human rights and of course the European Union. But the Conservative attacks on their enemies is preceded by a systematic and prolonged campaign of demonization against their intended targets. The purpose of such a campaign is to dehumanise their opponents so that there is minimal resistance from the wider society when concrete measures are announced to strip rights and responsibilities from people, groups and organisations. You see you cannot be considered as possessing human rights if you are deemed to be subhuman, and anyway, human rights are just a shorthand excuse to engage in anti-social and unBritish activities such as trades unionism, socialism, communism, Islamism and any other form of 'ism' that isn't conservatism. I mean, no decent law-abiding patriotic Briton needs or even wants human rights do they? Human rights are only a cover for terrorists posing as British citizens. The Scottish people woke up to these developments long ago and have rejected the Westminster pigsty, although ironically we have Mad Tony to thank for that rather than Tories. Unless the rest of the UK open their eyes, they are heading for the slavery I have been warning about for years now. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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