Sunday 8 November 2015

This Tory government is genuinely dangerous

As I wrote in my last post we have a crisis in politics because of a complete lack of trust in politicians. One of the reasons for this is that most politicians and almost all of the public do not understand what politics is. For most people and particularly politicians, politics is about winning elections and the mechanics of how to win them. I find almost no discussion about the nature of politics, its roles and purpose and the purpose of government. In today's modern world we find that governments not only claim rights, but superior rights to the people who elect them. I continually speak to elected politicians who do not understand their own parties policies on even the most fundamental matters, they are simply party ciphers, doing what they are told by a centralised elite with no concern whatsoever for the rights and welfare of the people who elected them. A debate about the role and functions of government has become one of the most fundamental imperatives facing us today but I have no confidence that it will happen. In the UK we are passively watching a bunch of neoliberal elitists erect an authoritarian political structure that is developing into a totalitarian system and are being repeatedly told that there is no alternative and that what they are doing is 'the right thing to do'.

In Britain we have the deputy Prime Minister in the last government, Nick Clegg, now telling us that, beginning with Mad Tony's criminal clique, not only the public and Parliament, but most of the government were kept in the dark as to the extent of the surveillance that was being illegally carried out by the security services. The citizens of this country really need to sit down and digest what the real implications of this revelation are? Clegg was informed by senior civil servants that only a tiny handful of Cabinet Ministers knew what was happening. Now think about that. In Clegg's estimation that tiny handful was four, but the civil servants knew. Thus, in the so-called democratic United Kingdom at the most, six elected politicians knew what was being done within the country by the most dangerous and criminal, but frighteningly incompetent, elements in government, the people who were responsible for the "intelligence" that was used to justify bombing Iraq back to the dark ages and ushering in the chaos that has resulted in the Middle East and the rise of Isis. These people are spending billions of taxpayers money, operating outside the law, and without the knowledge of the public, Parliament, and the majority of the government. Yet, all this is being done with the full knowledge of the Prime Minister and his inner circle. Is this what you voted for? This is the gang who have just introduced measures that, in the words of the British press will make Britain the most spied upon people in the world. This is not what government is for and, in addition, the British civil service are even more dangerous than the security services and any right thinking government would remove every civil servant in the country and begin from scratch. What is happening in Britain is profoundly disturbing.

The descent into authoritarianism is gaining pace and will accelerate if the UK votes to leave the EU. The future of the UK is quite grim with an increasingly unaccountable government who treat the elected Commons with contempt and a Parliament that treats the electorate with contempt. Democracy is a joke in the UK but in the small part of the democratic system that still works, if we are not vigilant it will disappear altogether. As Edmund Burke warned us, all that it requires for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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