Monday 12 January 2015

In May you'll have the chance to vote for your slavery

I have been  writing about how Westminster is determined to destroy whatever freedoms we currently enjoy, and I have repeatedly warned you that one of the ends of this process is the goal of reducing working people to chattels and slaves. I trust you have seen the Tories announcement that they intend legislating to make it almost impossible for workers in the public sector to take industrial action. Should this prove successful it will be extended to encompass all working people who belong to trades unions thereby ending the possibility of working people to deploy the only weapon they possess for their protection against managers and employers who will be in a position to do whatever they want with no redress. The British worker will be effectively reduced to a condition of slavery, totally reliant on whatever their employer is willing to give them.

Many people have taken issue with me over the years because I have persistently maintained this line, but they are increasingly quiet now that it is becoming obvious. British people cannot bring themselves to admit that we live in a country that will do such things and get angry with people like me who suggest that the British are capable of acting like barbarians. But the truth is that the British are not only capable but have a track record of slavery, barbarism and naked greed. The civilising influences on British life have been the establishment of the rights and responsibilities that our governments have been so keen to attack since Thatcher came to power. Our civility has resided in law, on limiting power, on restraining government, employers and selfish interests, and it is all of those forms of restraints that Thatcher and her successors have determined to remove. They have diluted the laws of protection and enhanced the laws of bullying, harassment and worker intimidation. They have removed the restraints on greed, on the power of Westminster, the police, employers and the security services. Protecting yourself, your job, your rights is now increasingly likened to terrorism.

Look at the health service. Every time the government is challenged on health matters it immediately seeks refuge in scapegoats. It is an elderly population, it is immigrants, it is the obese, it is health tourism etc. Nothing is ever their fault. It is never the fault of their policies, of the many privatisations, of the Private Finance Initiatives, of the interminable cuts, of the destruction of nursing and midwifery etc. Blame others, and in the process of blaming make sure you stir in a nice blend of persecution designed to get the general population to vent their hatred on some innocent group or other. This is not unique to the Tories, Labour are just as culpable. This is what you voted for in September. Within the next ten years you will have no NHS, no unions, no job security, you will be out of Europe and Britain will resemble one big police state with cameras watching your every move and the government reading all your emails and texts. Well done Better Together You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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